Sunday, November 14, 2021

Our Little Asher is Born!

Our baby boy is here!

Asher Eliason Daetwyler
7 lbs 11 oz
20.5 inches

Last Sunday was my last pregnant day. I woke up and sat at the counter and slowly made my favorite pancakes (Courtney's recipe and then french toasted). I stayed home from church and just packed bags, got last minute baby things situated, rested, and felt antsy all day. It's a pretty bizarre feeling to know you'll soon go from pregnant to not pregnant.

Daylight Savings hit us all hard, sending Camden's already early wake ups to a painful 4:45/5:00 for a few days. So on Monday morning when we got ready to leave by 5:15 for our 5:30 surgery prep time, all three boys were up and ready to say goodbye. Grandma and Grandpa Miner had some early mornings with those guys while we were in the hospital.

Prepping for the c-section is a strange two hours. Something is always happening and it goes right into surgery and it's just a strange feeling to have a "pit crew" all around you doing so many things to get your baby there. This c-section took a little longer than my others since it was my fourth and they were really careful to work carefully around scar tissue. My doctor held me through getting my spinal before Michael could come in the room, and I'm just really grateful I've had such a great doctor for this pregnancy and delivery. I basically just chose her because she's Michael's age from Evansville, but it ended up being a very good decision :) 

My anesthesiologist was great, and they're your best friend through c-sections. He's the one who updates me on what's going on behind the curtain, checks in on my shakiness or nausea or chills or all the other waves of side effects that come at different points in the procedure. He was so friendly and calm and I appreciated him so much. Ali told Michael he needed to take a picture of the placenta because I needed to see how much work my body had done, which he was a little skeptical of doing... but after seeing that picture (gross, I know, but it's below), I really am so impressed with bodies and all we do to grow babies and take care of them inside for months.

We had four names on our minds when we went into the hospital. When they wrapped up baby and handed him to Michael and had him put baby's face next to my face (earliest "skin to skin" possible with c-sections), the only name I could remember from our list was Asher. I tried hard to remember the others and couldn't, and also could barely stay awake :) Anesthesia is so strange. And majorly appreciated. But strange.

We then went to the recovery area before going to our room, where the nurses helped Asher nurse for the first time. He did so well! He had a great latch and was hungry from the start, though over time it's been more painful and we've been figuring that out. They then transferred us to our room and we had great nurses our whole hospital stay. I was dreading our days in the hospital but they were honestly manageable and sweet in their own way. We have a lot of crazy waiting for us at home, so we soaked in the days of just us and baby :) We tried on all four names for a couple days and named in on our third day there before going home. Asher means "happy and blessed" and he definitely is bringing that to our family. Eliason is my mom's family name, and a name that just represents so many wonderful people that I love. 

Recovering from a c-section is such a humble, painful, frustrating process at times. My third go was my best recovery of my first three, so I had hopes that this one would be the same. It's been more painful than my third but manageable, and we are so grateful my parents were here that first week to keep life going. My mom would bring me toast and yogurt and eggs upstairs in the morning and then get my kids ready and off to school and I just felt so grateful for that help during those first super painful days. My dad made all their walks to school and did lots of reading and drawing with the boys. They had just come from Ali's house taking care of Elise while they manage NICU life with Dallin, and I know it was a tiring time for them and they helped so much.

We brought Asher home on Wednesday and the boys met him after school. They are not super into holding or touching him since he's so small :) But Camden constantly says, "Baby Asher, so cute!" and Bennett likes to help bring me things during diaper changes and putting him to sleep. Westin loves to look at him too and thinks he's so sweet. He says his favorite thing about him is his tiny fingernails and toenails.

The first week of newborn time is a hazy few days for sure, but we are feeling so happy to have our baby boy here!


Supposed to be packing my hospital bag,
but tried my robe on instead and sat on the floor and just stared at how huge my belly was for a while.
Packing is never my favorite.

All the boys up and at 'em before our 5:15 hospital departure!

That belly's baby will be in our arms in just 2 hours!

Pushing our car out, as always!

Sorry... so gross. But that placenta is an accomplishment.

First skin-to-skin time, such a peaceful happy moment to have him here and healthy.
The stitching up process took longer than usual and I loved having him next to my face during that.

7 lbs 11 oz!

Dark hair, lots of swirls

Looking a little swollen.
Gotta be such a strange transition from womb to world!

He liked the window in our room.

Hearing test time

Finally feeling settled on a name!

Sweet Asher

First bath, so cute.
They've never done this type of bath with our other children in the hospital.
It was so cute to watch.

All bundled after the bath

How we slept the nights in the hospital...
he was not a fan of the bassinet.

Asher and Dallin!
They're going to be such good friends!

All ready to go home...
always a long process to get out of there.

Ready to roll!

Here we go into those hazy newborn nights.

So crazy he was just like this in my belly just a few days before this.

After I took this picture I remembered taking a similar one...

Definitely brothers.

Headed to the doctor for the first time.

Jenny is here!

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