Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Low-Key Summer Week

 We had a simple week and it felt good!

Swim team is over, we kept plans minimal while Bennett finishes healing up from his tonsils and adenoids being removed, and it just felt like the first week in a long time with no major plans.

The boys played outside nonstop with neighbor friends, including lots of Pokemon trading and a lemonade stand or two. We did some library trips, some movies at home, and a fun day downtown. My friend needed some kids in some pictures for her school music supply photography that she does so I took the boys to her studio downtown and then to a donut shop afterwards. 

Michael was on call this week and it was pretty brutal. He does not love getting major trauma calls, and working hours in the night then full days the next day is something that is best left in residency. He's been super tired and feels on edge whenever his phone makes a sound, poor guy. I woke up multiple times this week to look over and realize he'd been called in and was gone to the hospital.

On Saturday we went to Ellen's birthday party and Westin was super excited to be reunited with James for the first time this summer. We all swam for a while and then Michael took Asher home so that everyone at the pool could hear less screaming. Two-year-olds, man. We had taken two cars because of Michael being on call. 

This week felt uneventful and uneventful felt good!

Lemonade stand with neighbor friends!
Bennett had his shoulders raised all week for some reason, somehow related to his throat pain, but they're down now :)

I made Westin get in the stroller to make sure we hadn't passed the last time he gets in a stroller.
The lasts just slip by you!

I told him to act like a baby but this looks like a weird baby haha

Then Bennett wanted to do it too but was trying so hard not to laugh

Haha poor tired Michael! He was hit HARD with call this week and was so tired. 
He had to leave to the hospital in the night about 4 times this week I think.

This is one of our favorite library finds recently.
I wish everyone would read it!

We have a lot of "classics" in our children's book collection and this is definitely one of them -- all four of them love To Market, To Market.

Making cool trucks with his new magnets from Grandma and Grandpa.

A mini-modeling gig with a woman in our ward who does photography for a school music supply store. This cracked me up, they are not in the most natural of smile phases haha.

Then we went for a donut date after since it was right next to a spot downtown we haven't tried.
Still on the search for perfect donuts around here. It's up to Westy boy to grow up and start a bakery I guess.

The boys had fun swimming at Ellen's birthday party on Saturday.
James and Westin hadn't seen each other all summer before this and they had a blast.

Michael in his element.
He's laughing because he doesn't understand why I randomly take pictures of him in his element.
This is just how I came.

I love him so.very.much.

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