Sunday, August 4, 2019

Living that Newborn Life

has had a very different week than that blissful sleepy first few days at home -- maybe I should get back on those pain meds? Kidding. But the nights have gotten a little rougher and the awake times a little fussier, but honestly it's still good stuff around here. We love having this little guy in our family and can't wait to get to know him more. He hated his first bath! Loves being swaddled so much. And prefers to never be put down :)

has started acknowledging Camden more, with a few pats on the head when he walks by or pointing to him and calling him brother, or just petting his dark hair. He is playing with Westin a lot more, and still loves Giraffes Can't Dance and any other book about animals. He loves his naps and loves going to bed. Grandma and Grandpa have been putting him down this week while I still can't lift, and he gave them a little scolding for not shutting the door :) Still rocking that closet life. That'll change in a few weeks when we move the boys into the same room!

has started talking about being nervous for his new school. I'm nervous too! That'll be a big change for us both. But I think that he will love it and if he doesn't, we'll figure that out too! He is so happy to have grandparents visiting -- I know he misses our busy pre-baby life. He loves that grandpa can draw super heroes for him on the sidewalk or on paper. And he loves books in Grandpa's radio voice :)

That two-week mark after a c-section is a great milestone. Feeling better each day and looking forward to being able to lift and work out again. I walked almost a mile yesterday so it feels good to slowly be feeling better! I wish we weren't in the heat of the summer and I'd be walking lots more. Oh Fresno. This week I got a spouse scholarship to attend Michael's annual oral surgery meeting, in Boston in September. I'm feeling torn about going -- it sound really fun to be there with him and to make myself get out of mom mode for a bit, but I also worry about flying a two-month old on a germy airplane... decisions. I've been SO GRATEFUL for my parents this week as they've taken the boys out to do fun things, kept our cupboards and fridge stocked, and cleaned up after this crazy crew. I have such wonderful family and I'm always extra extra grateful for them during the newborn haze.

was off this weekend and the boys love being in the backyard with him (usually getting sprayed with the hose by him). He gets so much done when he's home. He and grandpa took the boys to build at Home Depot this weekend. I'm reading a book called "Boys Adrift" that my aunt recommended. I'm learning a lot of things, but the main thought I keep having while reading it is, "Man, Michael is just the best." He really is such a wonderful husband and dad. I wish we could see more of him, and I wish he liked walks :) BUT mostly I'm just incredibly, incredibly grateful he is ours.

Snoozy little boy.

He isn't loving binkies but I'm trying hard...
I tried the hospital binky just to see, and he took to it much more than my other ones.

But these are so much cuter! So we'll keep trying :)

Captain America and Spiderman visiting our driveway

If you're wondering, the crayons did NOT stay on the paper. But walls wipe easily enough :)

Hanging out with grandma!

He's usually swaddled when sleeping but I love finding him like this when he's not.

Oh this little guy. He reminds me of a tree frog, just clings to me.

Grandpa's lap is the best place for stories!

First bath! It was not a happy time for him but... necessities.

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