Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter & Conference

Conference and Easter go together as well as chocolate and peanut butter. In fact, we had plenty of both those combinations this weekend.

These boys are so much fun. They loved Easter, loved playing conference bingo, I loved that the primary presidency brought over laminated conference bingo cards and skittles and did my entertaining job for me, and they were so excited for dying and finding and eating eggs. We filled our day so full we didn't even get to our Resurrection rolls that we had planned on, so I promised Westin we'd do them Monday. He has reminded me many many times since then to not forget :) He loves traditions.

We had an insulation check on our house which has spiraled into a huge project with our fireplace and lighting in our house. We now need a fireplace tech, electrician, and stonework guy to all coordinate a project together and be here close to each other so our house isn't torn up for too long, and then we will get some insulation work done after that so keep the south side of our house from being so... insulation-less. One thing after another comes up when it's -- "Well if we're doing this, we should do this first. If we're doing that, we should replace that first." It's overwhelming but I think we've nailed down the scope of it and figured out where to go from here, and it's going to be a really good thing to take care of.

This is a catch up post and I don't remember enough other things about the week to add -- which is totally reinforcing to me why I keep up on this little blog space of ours.


I've got way too many pictures that look like this lately,
but I can't not snap one every time Bennett takes a little nap with me on the couch.
I think it's the sweetest thing.

Finally changed out our super faded and years & years old duvet cover,
and we have some unnecessary pillows on our bed for the first time.
Feels very grown-up-ish. Michael was worried I was going to get hundreds,
but we're going to stick with this amount. He doesn't understand unnecessary pillows :)

Always demanding shoes.

Conference cuddles while the littlest one is sleeping.

If it looks like Camden is trying to drink out of the watering can like a dog...

...that's because that's exactly what he was doing.

Michael was looking very dad-like so I took his picture.

Some football practice

Camden likes being in on the fun for a bit, but then...

He makes a break for it to walk down the sidewalk of our street.
He isn't too worried about having a follower, but luckily he hasn't taken off without one of us voluntarily making the trip with him yet.

Cutes Easter card from our neighbors who have been in Florida for a few weeks.
The boys are missing them!

Signed books for my boys' baskets. This was a happy moment for me.

I remember a few years ago when I wanted a book like this for their baskets and couldn't find one anywhere. It was so fun to put one in from their mom.

Some shots of Westin at school from his SeeSaw app.

They loved dying eggs this year!

Neighborhood egg hunt!

Westin found the grand prize egg and was in shock with that $5 bill.

We forgot masks but Michael was running home to get them right here, so we had them soon after this!
Such a fun cul-de-sac egg hunt with our neighbors. 

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