Monday, November 21, 2022

Birthday Parties and Hockey Games

We were so happy to have a healthier week!

Monday we ran errands.

Tuesday I lost hours of my life trying to get Taylor Swift tickets that I never ended up getting. Then a busy night with swim and basketball and activity days and young mens.

Wednesday was doctor appointments and classroom volunteering and yet another failed attempt at getting Taylor tickets. It put me in a slump. First world problems, but don't talk me down.

Thursday I spent my whole day on Westin's birthday party and remembered at 4pm to brush my teeth. Then at 5pm we had 15 kids over for a football party sans football (20 degrees and snow...). But we made paper footballs and popsicle field goals, played football bingo, watched the Packers game, ate hot dogs and nachos, had football birthday cake, and kind of just observed the wild that is 15 second graders. Holy Moly. I don't know if I have that in me again but we can take 3 friends bowling, that we can do. Next year is planned.

Friday I had another pie crust failure and used my Pillsbury back ups to make this upside down apple pie deliciousness and we headed to a pie night with friends, which was really fun. Kids love to run around a church gym and through a church stage. I'm not sure why that's the thrill that it is but it just is.

Saturday I took Westin suit shopping (his baptism is coming! I can hardly believe it.), we ran dropped off a few boxes of books headed to some small Utah bookstores and boutiques, we all went to Westin's game, we watched the BYU game, and we ate dinner at a Colorado Eagles hockey game and caught the first quarter before heading home for bedtime. It's hard to make an 8-year-old and a 1-year-old happy with the same chain of events but we're doing our best.

My fridge is full of Thanksgiving food and we're looking forward to more holiday and birthday time next week!

Bennett trying on Cam Cam's new glasses :)

Running errands with this cute new-glasses boy and I just think he's so cute.

Asher has started waving and he's sooo proud of it.

It's like Kitty knows the catnip's days are coming to a wintery end very soon.

She's crazy.

I spent hours + hours this week organizing all the boys clothes and changing out their sizes. It's my least favorite unseen mom job.

Snowy mornings have started!

Making some football cakes for Westin's football party.

This picture makes me laugh so much. I don't like baking cakes, and I spent so many hours on Westin's birthday party which is not my favorite way to show my children love even though I do love them very, very much. And I quickly made the footballs then sent a picture to Ali feeling like, well those are ugly but it is what it is. And she was like, maybe you should google a picture of a football...
So I did, and then I laughed and laughed and wiped the white glaze off and redid it while laughing and laughing some more. It just struck me so funny to see how truly ugly my first attempt was and how I didn't even know how bad it was hahaha. 

Birthday boys opening cards.

He was so excited to wear his Broncos shirt to his football party.

This Colorado baby.

Upside Down Apple Pecan pie. It turned out really yummy!

But, my pie crust curse continues.
What you see in the pretty picture above this one are my Pillsbury back ups in action.

We said goodbye to Westin's Tacos this week and got rid of all of our cardboard.
It had a good 2.5 year run.

Asher's birthday card from Grandma Daetwyler is just the cutest little thing I've ever seen.

Dinner and a hockey game with the Larimer County Dental Society.
The boys loved it, I felt stressed most of the time because I didn't think how loud it would be and didn't bring anyone ear protection and I felt guilty having Asher there.

I Spy Westin and Bennett down there trying to catch a hockey puck before the game.

He loved clapping with everyone at the game haha, sweet boy.

We took dinner to a neighbor who had a baby and I'm filing this one away as a meal that packs up well.
Garlic parmesan rice, smoked pork tenderloin, a spinach/apple/bacon salad, and fruit.

The real star of the show was Michael's football helmet watermelon carving and I think I forgot to take a picture of it! It was so cute.

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