Sunday, April 28, 2024

Cousins and Pickleball

 I didn't take enough pictures this week during our Miner time! We were too busy playing.

On Monday we had pizza just like all the Pizza Mondays we had back when I was roommates with Jaren and Lydia, just before Michael and I got engaged. That was such a fun time. Jenny has been so loving and kind to me through so many life stages -- she has had High School Maddie, College Maddie, Dating and Engaged Maddie, Newlywed Maddie, New Mom Maddie, and more as a sister-in-law and she has been such a sweet friend and example through them all. I had so much fun having her and her kids with us this week.

Jaren was a wisdom teeth trooper! He had them out Monday morning and was pretty chill through the process apart from being convinced afterwards that, "I just can't get my tongue back in my mouth!" But he quickly figured that skill out again. My boys were pretty mad that they had to go to school when cousins were here, but after our eclipse trip I just couldn't keep them home. But they packed in lots of playing when they got home.

On Tuesday I went to another Young Women's play for our activity that night, and little Julia came with me. That was so fun to have her along.

Thursday we had to say goodbye to cousins and it was luckily very doable considering I'll be heading out there to Julia's baptism in a couple weeks :) All goodbyes should happen with another visit on the calendar in the very near future. 

Friday we went to the church to play pickleball with friends since our outside plans got rained out. I love that our church had pickleball lines painted on this year. It really is a fun game to play.

Soccer games got rained out yet again this Saturday, and Bennett came down with a stomach bug on top of it. I went to breakfast with two friends on Saturday morning and it was really fun to catch up with them. Fort Collins has so many delicious breakfast spots and not enough open Saturday mornings!

Sunday we ate dinner with our friends the Whitneys and their sister and brother-in-law. Jake made delicious Spanish food, they moved to Fort Collins from spending a year in Spain. They are so fun to talk to and their Spanish food was delicious. Bennett was in love with their pet birds and keeps asking for them now, but I'm feeling like we've reached pet limits around here!

Plus I was terrified of taking care of the bird at Hebrew Rehab when I worked there in Boston, so, it's not in the cards... maybe we'll get him another ant farm :)

Asher is all about eating outside away from his high chair like the big cousins,
but he's the only one in the family that's not skilled at keeping his food away from Luna.
She would never dare take anyone else's but she still goes for this little guy's sometimes.
I think he's a willing accomplice.

Jenny assisted Michael in removing a mole on my arm and face and I was in awe of her.
Who can just randomly suction blood like that?!
Jenny can.
Michael did a great job too, that was the first time I've been a patient in his chair.

Saying goodbye to these sweet cousins.

Luna got her goodbyes too.
The Miner kiddos are Rover professionals and so good with dogs.

Slow morning snuggles with the biggest and the baby.

Bennett just loved holding this pet bird.
Also he keeps losing teeth! Makes him look grown up and also so little :)

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