Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ali's Birthday Party!

Last Sunday night I tried to go see the Northern Lights one more time but no luck. I still enjoyed the midnight solo drive though.

Then the rest of this week was busy prepping before I left for Utah for the weekend. Michael and I did date night on Wednesday since I'd be gone all weekend, Torchy's and pickleball. It was really fun. And then Thursday I did my first sprint through the airport to make a flight that was doing its last call -- so stressful. A car accident on one of our main roads plus construction on another one had me so slow getting out of town, and I have never cut a flight that close before. It's miserable to run through the airport like that haha. I had just accepted I'd miss it but had to try and ended up walking on the plane the last possible second, whew.

And then began Ali's birthday party weekend! She threw a slumber party for friends from all stages of her life, renting out an airbnb for the night and grabbing dinner from one of her favorite spots. It was just the best! The day before the party we ran errands triple speed together and everything fell into place. It was so fun meeting so many of her favorite people, and just meeting so many people who love Ali. We laughed and talked and stayed up way too late and Ali spoiled us with her homemade birthday cake and homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast too. I just loved being there for her fun celebration. Then I stayed there through Sunday for some fun time with her cute kiddos. Normally I can't turn off mom mode to fully be in aunt mode, so that was a really fun day to just be with her family. And luckily I had pleeenty of time in the airport on my way back home with a flight that kept getting delayed... where was that luck on my way out!

Back home Michael had a good weekend with the boys. He let them take turns having sleepovers in our big bed (mom can't handle that, sorry cuties...), Culver's picnic for dinner, final soccer games of the season, potty training successes with Asher, and they all just loved having a boys weekend with dad. You only have to take away one family member around here to turn this place into boys weekend :)

My solo midnight drive to try to see the Northern Lights. No luck, but I did enjoy belting TTPD songs by myself late at night.

Sleeping Queens is the number one game around here.

Caught a glimpse of these cuties lined up sharing some pretzels.
They're just such cute brothers.

Biked to pick up Camden from preschool,
and stopped at Sonic for lunch on the way home.
Love those little Wednesday outings.

This dude feels pretty cool in his new room!

Ali took a picture of my hair when we were together because it's the longest it's ever been and it will soon be getting chopped. My hairdresser stopped working Wednesdays which has really complicated when I can actually get to her! So it won't happen until mid-June when my parents are here. I don't think my hair has ever been this long.

Felt ready for a change!

Setting up the cutest greeting station for all her friends.

We had fun setting up!
Ali ordered some favorite foods from Bandit's and it was delicious.

The crew!
So fun to chat with friends from all stages of Ali's life.
Childhood friends, roommates, mission companions, grad school buddies, all different wards, Boston, such a list!

And she made one of her expertly crafted birthday cakes, she is so good at those.
This was a lemon curd cake and everyone was shocked she baked it herself.

Sisters cleaning up!
Such a fun night.

Catching up with the cuties back home,
complete with their popsicles from the neighbors.

Dallin had a little "episode" at the park and I have to say it's fun watching Ali and Matthias just rock parenthood in all its glam.

I just really loved this color of iris. Part of it is patterned and I think it's so beautiful.

Sweet little Annie!

Back at home dad let the boys take turns having sleepovers.
Not sure how he sleeps one minute with these cute, crazy sleepers.

Wrapping up soccer season!

Westin's team named themselves the "Spicy Pickles"

I didn't want to leave this girl!

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