Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tag Team Week

This week was kind of a blur... Asher got the stomach bug and then Camden, which ended up with me changing both of their bedding 7 times in one night. It's so sad when little ones throw up.

Our nights were crazy this week. We did bedtime alone almost every night. Monday, me at a baby shower. Tuesday, me at Young Womens. Wednesday, missionaries for dinner. Thursday, Michael had a dental society meeting and I went to the temple with all the YW presidencies in the stake. Friday, another babysitter night and we went to a Study Club dinner at Ginger and Baker. I loved catching up with Diane and going out with Michael after a busy week.

On Saturday we woke up a little earlier and went to a City Bird Banding event. We walked with a conservation volunteer who talked to us about bird watching and tracking in Fort Collins. They had a net set up in some bushes and when birds would fly into it they'd catch them for measurements and for applying a registration band. That way if it's ever caught again you can report that and see all that bird's activity online under its registration number. We kind of both left that wondering if any bird is caught more than once... seems crazy you can catch them at all! But they put the net lower because they say really good bird watching is actually in bushes and brush on the ground, where the birds eat and nest and collect. Not just up high. The boys had fun watching that, except one bird was particularly vocal about how much it hated the banding experience, so that was kind of sad for them. But then they let them fly off and that was fun to see.

After that it was off to soccer games again. and then a birthday party for one of Camden's classmates. His preschool class is the cutest crew.

On Saturday night we ended up waking up all our boys at 1 in the morning to drive towards Wyoming and try to see the Northern Lights. A lot of people had really good luck seeing them Friday but we missed knowing we should be on the lookout for them then. So we tried our luck Saturday but didn't end up seeing any, and crawled back in our beds at 4 a.m. Not the best way to head into a 9 a.m. church Sunday but we had to do it!

Mother's Day was really sweet with these cute boys. I loved our sacrament meeting about Heavenly Mother. I loved the cute little gifts their sweet teachers helped them make at school. I loved being all together on a Sunday after busy nonstop weekdays. I just feel so lucky to have this cute crew and to be in this sweet spot stage.

Another one down with the stomach bug.
This year our family has been so slow to catch it from each other.

My brother sent me this picture of me from my parents house and voted that Camden looks most like me out of my boys. I had Cam Cam recreate it and I think that's probably the truth!

Sick in his brother's bed, sweet boy.

Quarantine from brother.

Always wanting me to take a picture of his creations.

He opted to spend all morning with Luna since Asher was out sick.

He is such a sad little thing when he's sick.
We ignored potty training for the day and just cuddled a lot.

Goodbyes are hard for this little guy every single morning.
He wants his daddy around all the time!

Still recovering.

Really enjoying that the European leg of the Eras tour hits during nap time :)
I caught her new TTPD set on a grainy livestream and it's just so good.

Lots of little boys crawling around that car on daddy's drive home.
He drove by us walking home from school and they piled in.

Bird banding day with the city.
So interesting to learn how they catch them, band them, and keep track of their data.

They just keep a net in some bushes and when birds fly into it,
they catch it for measurements and a little registration band on their foot.

Camden loved going to Julian's party. His little preschool class of 7 kids became such buddies this year.

Moving day for Asher and Camden! We moved them both into the bigger guest room and turned Camden's little nursery into our upstairs guest room. And Asher finally got to move out of the closet... that was way past due.

I loved this little blue nursery. It'll be a cozy guest room now but change is hard for me sometimes!

Mother's Day with these sweethearts.

I loved our sacrament meeting all about Heavenly Mother and this note from our bishopric.
Mother's Day is a tricky day to recognize and I just feel like our ward did such a great job.

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