Sunday, August 18, 2024

Concert Week, Grandparents Weekend

We hit two concerts this week, which was very rare and very fun. The Head and the Heart played at Red Rocks on Monday, which made for a late Monday night date night, but I loved it so much. I play their music so much in our kitchen and I'd never seen them live before.

Tuesday we had a pool party for Young Womens, then Wednesday we had school supply drop off and an ice cream social at the boys' school. Then Thursday was the first day! I can't believe it already came. Fourth Grade, First Grade, Preschool round 2, and Asher at home with me still. They had a great first day, and I'm so glad they love their school so much.

Ed and Sally came into town Saturday so that Michael could fix Ed's tooth. We're so happy we got a little bonus visit with them! On Saturday we rode the trolley downtown and grabbed some ice cream. On Sunday Katie and Ryan's family came up for dinner and Katie made homemade ice cream. The boys played and played for hours. 

I am loving this slow transition from summer to fall.  

First time at Red Rocks for The Head and the Heart

Such a pretty view and nice night for a concert

I loved seeing them live for the first time.

Sometimes some cute little boys bring me deliveries while I'm working on my computer :)

Dancing boys.
I love a good kitchen dance party.

Haircuts before school!
They're as excited about that as they look haha.

I love that I have four little boys. 
They'll all play the same thing sometimes and it just makes me so happy.

Sometimes by the time bedtime ends we are just ready to go to bed.
But I get sad thinking of our night already being over, so we pull out a crossword set that my dad mails us from the newspaper. :)

First day for this big fourth grader!

My second grade Benny Boy

I love that they're at the same school

Another round of preschool for this cute guy!

Looking big and so fresh with their haircuts.

Everyone on foot or on wheels this year! Although Asher can't quite swing our 2 mile walk, so I bring the stroller and he hops in about halfway through.

Neighborhood parade to the first day of school.

Workouts with Asher make me so happy. He's such a cutie.

Trolley ride with Grandma and Grandpa!

The trolley stops right by Walrus Ice Cream, it's very convenient :)

Second concert this week, who are we!
We took a school bus up the canyon to see Joy Oladakun at the Mishawaka Theater.

Haha sorry Michael!
There was a LOT of weed smoked at this concert. But not by us, he just happened to blink during both of the pictures that I took that night.

Joy was hilarious and so talented.

Cousins for Sunday!

Boy crew. Aunt Katie made homemade ice cream and they were in heaven.

A successful toy repair. Westin was heartbroken about this, so it was happy that it came back together really well.

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