Sunday, August 11, 2024

End of Summer Camping

The last full week of summer!

This week we caught up on reading routines, piano, typing, all the things we kind of slacked on this summer...  we played hard!

Then we finished the week with a campout with friends and it was the best way to send off summer. This was our first time camping with the whole family, Asher and I have usually tapped out for nighttime on our past camping trips up to this point. We had a little tent for Westin and Bennett and then Camden and Asher with Michael and I in our bigger tent. The boys ran around nonstop in the woods the whole time and showed up when they were hungry :) And Camden and Asher really had fun too. The first morning we woke up in the tent, Camden woke up immediately happy and just said, "Happy Birthday, everybody!" Haha he cracks us up so much. We had about 40 people up there camping and I just totally loved being able to talk to favorite people while my boys happily ran around. Michael probably had less of a good time because of his toxic relationship (Asher keeps a short leash) but he'll have more fun next year :) And I only jokingly call it a toxic relationship, he totally loves Asher's stage and loves that good with the hard. They are best buds.

I can't believe this was our last weekend of summer. It feels like school came SO fast!

I just always giggle so much watching my kids at the dentist. They're just so cute.

Asher was a little nervous at first, but after watching all his brothers he was ready for his turn.

Dentist toys... my kids love them, I don't understand it.

Miss Annie!

Peach parfaits are life.
Half yogurt and half cottage cheese is the only way to go.

Rolling into camping like...

Unpacking the FULL car

Night one, s'mores

A rainy (and haily!) hike

We walked far on this walk and kids STILL kept running out of the bushes and across the road in their game of "zombie" tag and I realized my children were wandering much farther than I had thought haha. They seriously loved it.

Brightest rainbow!

Asher really wanted to go home to his bed that first night,
but after realizing we really weren't doing that (after about 5 minutes),
he went to sleep and slept really well. So cute.

The best and biggest blackberry, harvested from our backyard

Poor Macy... took a spill off her bike,
and Michael met them at the office Sunday night to help stitch her up.

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