We had no school Monday so I took the boys to the Denver Children's Museum with my friend Jamie and her kids (plus a few others). They love going there. Our membership is about up so I don't know if we'll renew it or not, but our visits have been fun!
Young Women's was so fun this week. We went to a coffee shop with our older class and the girls wrote a script for a mock Hallmark movie. We laughed so much and I just loved listening to them be creative.
Each of the boys picked one thing out at the Book Fair this week. Asher, Mighty Pups (a Paw Patrol book), Camden, a Shark book, Bennett, a book about dragons on Mars, and Westin, a 2025 book of sports facts. I could have shopped without them and brought home all of those except maaaaybe the dragons on Mars, I don't think I saw that one coming.
We had parent teacher conferences this week and I'm so proud of our boys and their growth. Bennett has been working so hard at reading and speech this year and it totally shows. Westin doesn't love a few things about school but he is always kind and a good presence in his class. Westin doesn't like to spend his own money, and he was eyeing a Broncos poster at the Book Fair the whole time we were there. I told them all they could pick one thing. When I saw him staring at it so much, I told him that his one thing could be a poster if he wanted it to be. He told me he'd rather have the book, and I reminded him he could spend his own money on something else if he wanted. He almost did, but in the end just left it behind. After parent teacher conferences and talking about how much of a positive presence Westin is at school, Michael and I went and grabbed the $5 Broncos poster and wrote Westin a little note that night. We left it on his bed, and he gave me the tightest hug at bedtime when he discovered it. That kid sure just loves what he loves, and we love him a lot.
We fed the missionaries Thursday except we didn't because they didn't come! Haha I was grateful that made me make a real dinner instead of throwing something randomly together instead. And they felt bad when we checked in with them and they quickly came and gave us a message. I am just happy they're in our home at least monthly so my boys can see that and someday figure out if they want that.
I skipped Book Club that night and went out to a coffee shop with two friends instead and it was totally what my heart needed. And the next day Westin halfway babysat while Michael and I went to Sushi and Captain America with the Behunins. Our babysitter came halfway through for a well check :) But Westin's growing up!
Saturday was Camden's Mom's Tea for his preschool performance and he's just such a big-hearted, sweet guy. He told me that his favorite part of preschool is the shows (the performances they do), and he kept praying all week "that Mommy will just really love Mom's Tea." Such a sweetheart. We loved our morning together.
We came home to a happy house full of cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Daetwyler and Great-Grandma Malin! We were so lucky to have them all visit this weekend. We went to Warren Park, played outside in the sun, caught up with Grandma, watched an insane surfing documentary :), and just had a good time having them all at our house. I'm so happy our boys will have this solid memory of being with their Great-Grandma.
Children's Museum Crew |
This firetruck is probably the most loved spot in the whole museum for these two. |
We did a cooking class and the kids loved making this Korean dish. It was delicious! |
Mornings with Asher. Workouts and Wordle races. I just love this stage so much, and Asher's age so much. |
Q for quilt day at preschool! Camden wanted to bring this cute airplane scene that Grandma Sally made. He loves sleeping with it. |
Reese's Eggs... My forever friend and foe. |
"Hold on, I need to pet Kitty!" Can't walk by her without giving her a little love! |
Grandma and Grandpa are here! Plus cousins for a day. And we had beautiful sunshine. Such a fun time! |