Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So You Married a Dental Student...

Let's talk about dental school. It's been a little while since we discussed that, right? We'll start with the big news... Michael passed his boards! He took them in the middle of January, which was pretty dang early, and he rocked it. I've been sitting on that happy news for a while now, unless you're hanging out with me over on Instagram. He studied so.many.flashcards. Sometimes I would read them to him while we were driving and I just cannot comprehend how he memorizes the things he memorizes. I'm so proud of him! He is, at this moment (which is after 11pm on a Tuesday), still in his lab at school. He has a lot to get done before Spring Break, and we just have not seen a lot of each other the last little while. I sure love this kid and how hard he works. 

And now, a couple of the random joys the dental school experience offers that no one tells you about...

Below you will see what was waiting for us on our porch last week. Bottles and bottles of mouthwash. A dentist's personal spam mail. Johnson & Johnson is already schmoozing him. Getting "fresh", if you will. I could not stop cracking up at this sight. I mean, for real? I was just loving it.

Also, I visited Michael in his lab bearing Chipotle a few weeks ago, to see him in his element. He looks so smart in his element! Am I right? The glasses. The beakers. He was using a machine that would stir his beaker for him when he pushed a button. I mean, he just looked like a natural up in there. My last lab experience was back in the AP Chemistry days of senior year in high school, with my best friend Kindal as my lab partner. We put a permanent burn mark on the ceiling. Our teacher still loved us though. As I stood there in awe of Michael's awesomeness that night, our conversation went something like this:

Me: "You look so smart right now. I'm gonna 'gram this."
Michael: "Nooo, no pictures right now."
Me: "When you married me you gave me copyrights to your life."

Then I 'grammed it.

And, what happens when the spam-mailed dentist is married to an Activity Day leader? Creativity, people... even if the activity this week was about budgeting, the mouthwash just had to play a role.

Today is your FRESH start...keep a budget!

Yeah, I know. I know. But I got rid of 16 bottles! And the girls were thrilled? In fact, one of them came up to me and said, 

"Do I do this in the morning or at night?" 
"What, budget?"
"No, the mouthwash!"
"Oh... I don't know. Do you want one for both?"

But she didn't. Just 32 bottles to go.

See, the poor and tired student life does have some random laughs and perks along the way. Perks being mouthwash, yes, but also much better things. Like just loving life with friends who are in your same boat. Or having a Redbox Saturday night after a test week (although in this week's version Michael fell asleep 10 minutes into the movie, but it's still going down in the books as a date night...poor guy). We are happy, and this stage of our life is flying by so fast. I knew it would going into it, and I feel it happening now. Almost halfway!

*This post is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson! (Sort of...) Simply become a follower of the blog and leave a comment below for a chance to win a FREE (and fresh and cool and minty) Johnson & Johnson product! Winners will be notified by email, and will receive multiple free products even though they only probably wanted to win one. Good luck!
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