Monday, April 21, 2014

Two Years Today

I'm interrupting this month of blog-silence for a happy celebration. Today we have been married for two years! It's hard to believe we were married for just two months when we made our move to Indiana, and now our four years here are already at the halfway point.

Look at that beautiful spring day at the Jordan River Temple. April 21, 2012 was just perfect all around. It was the bluest sky I think I've ever seen, brightest flowers, happiest people. We are two lucky people.

You should know, my blog-silence is stemming from the oh-so-long post about our spring break in Tokyo that I need to finish putting together. Can't skip that. So, everything post-Tokyo has been put into the waiting line. Which is a shame, really, because we've been really living it up around here. Paint ball excursions, Thunder Over Louisville, Easter fun, and some hard core spring cleaning. But I won't blog about that last one.

But I couldn't let my procrastination skip over this happy day - two years is exciting stuff! And this Sunday will mark four years since the first time I ever met Michael Daetwyler, in the Salt Lake City airport. Love at first sight. Except not really because we spent a couple years making things way too complicated, BUT, now we get to look back and remember it as love at first sight. And he's still just as dreamy as ever. We're having a good time over here.

Happy Anniversary, Michael!
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