Sunday, December 9, 2018

Adjusting Expectations. Always.

is on call half of December and we're feeling it. He's almost done with one of the two weeks, then the other one falls over Christmas. It's a bummer but we're squeezing in the fun things when he's around. He does so many things around the house when he's home, I'm grateful he is handy and helpful. We all took a nap Saturday except Michael, who wandered around doing productive things even though he was the one who had been at the hospital all morning. Michael wins.

has been obsessively preparing for December and it has backfired. I've gotten all my big to do items done (except wrapping presents because that's the woooorst) and made my advent calendar for my kids, but honestly we've just had SO MUCH bickering and fighting and whining and crying around here. So I'm lowering all expectations, and we're just kind of heading back into survival mode and what we fit in, we fit in. I want my kids to have good memories. It doesn't mean we have to have ALL THE MEMORIES. Cutting ourselves some slack over here. I've also been unsubscribing from all the email lists, and unfollowed anything on Instagram that is not a friend in my life or a true source of upliftment. I'm tired of being marketed to and sold to and it's time simplify and prioritize how my time gets spent and taken.

Oh Westy boy. I'd be lying if I didn't write that our month has been HARD. You are so strong-willed and wonderful. But on Saturday, you woke up in the best mood. You asked me to make a list of jobs to do to help our house. You sat by me and we caught up on our advent calendar devotionals that we'd fallen behind on because of mom fatigue. You shared with Bennett. You laughed with me at Costco even though we were both bummed that Saturday was being spent without dad. I am so grateful for that tender mercy of a morning. On Sunday morning you ate cereal with dad and then he went to the hospital while we got ready to go to church. After waving goodbye to him you came and sat by me while I was changing Bennett's diaper. You said, "Of course daddy had to go to work." The way you said it and the words you chose had me feeling like you are just so much more grown up than I even know, and I need to help you through your hard days instead of turning them into my own. I love you, sweet boy. So grateful you're mine.

Little Benny Boy, almost everything you do makes us laugh. Even when it's running over to the kitchen sink and "putting your cup away" when it's a glass cup and it shatters. You are just trying to do what you think you're supposed to do and it's adorable and hilarious. Your sweet tooth is stressing me out these days since there's just always junk around during the holidays. One night this week you ate a donut for dinner after meeting Santa, and no bites of anything I made you after. Another day we decorated cookies with friends and instead of spreading any frosting on your gingerbread you just ate all your frosting in its entirety, bit by bit with your knife. Then you ate your cookies. You were so happy about it all haha. Daddy is usually better at getting you to eat your dinner, but I never want to play games with food since I already planned the food, bought the food, picked up the food, put the food away, then made the food, served the food, and will clean up the food. Just eat the food, Bennett! Haha I love you. Thanks for being such a cheerful sweet presence around here.

Gingerbread cookie decorating with our sunbeam preschool group.

Gym time at preschool!

Bennett didn't want to sit in the seat part of the cart -- he just wanted to lay down in the basket and be handed samples.
The life.

Westin's list. He put away legos, put away books, put away clothes and helped start the laundry, sprayed all the doorknobs and light switches with Lysol, put his toys away, then read the Friend magazine with me. He loved carrying it around and getting things done. Someone sees a lot of lists being made around here :) 

Annual Black and White girls night Christmas party. I love being at Julie's home! She and Amy and Jackie always put together such a beautiful and fun party and it's one of my favorite nights. This is my friend Emma, who serves in primary with me.

This is what I've been counting as protein these days. That's how bad things have gotten around here this month between holiday junk and being sick on repeat. We've all been sick so much and just can't kick the cycle.

Music Time at Preschool

Benny bundled in a blanket. Westin's wearing pants, you just can't see his basketball shorts very well :)

It rained just a bit and Westin was determined to catch some!

Donuts after meeting Santa at America's Kids in Motion with Mara and Linsdey

As close as anyone got to Santa. Westin told him he wanted a puppy, and Bennett just kind of yelled from across the room.
He was NOT interested in interacting.

Coloring letters to Santa while waiting in line.

Bennett loves wearing the helmet from Westin's Lightning McQueen Halloween costume that we borrowed.
They are so funny.

I'm just gonna put this here and keep the details to myself. But I want it documented haha.

But all is well, don't worry. These little guys are so happy when daddy gets his tools or drill out.

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