Friday, November 16, 2018

Here Come the Holidays

is feeling some residency burnout but nothing to do about that but get up and go to work the next day. Or take a vacation! Which we are doing all next week. :) Wednesday was interviews all day for the next group of residents, who will be first years during Michael's chief year. That's crazy to me! I remember interview season like it was yesterday and I'm so grateful he was on this side of it this year. Michael mentioned how freezing it was in our house this week, and it was 68. Two and a half years in Fresno has changed us drastically in the weather department.

has four to-do lists on my bedroom wall -- trip prep, packing list, cross stitch orders broken down into to dos, and my Christmas to do list. It feels like my master planning station and it has helped focus me so much. I'm so impressed with anyone that can function and get things done without a list. Lists, lists, lists for me. My Notes app was the saddest thing to lose when my phone went missing last year. (I still don't know if I'm allowed to stay stolen since that sounds better than lost -- I know right where I left it, went back, and it was then stolen... can I just say stolen? Or do I have to accept that I lost it? Tangent.) I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and coming home to put up Christmas and get into our Christmas traditions.

seemed to have an off week, but his highs included LOVING swimming lessons, being kind on the playground when the kids he was playing with weren't being kind to other people, building cool Duplo creations all the time, and being such a good eater. We'll skip the lows. He's so excited to go on a trip. He keeps talking about going to Utah (we're going to Kentucky) and the beach (it's snowing there), and then I straighten him out and he gets just as excited about Kentucky and snow. But he keeps getting kind of mixed up, and also, does he think there's a beach in Utah? I think he just puts all his fun trips together in his mind and knows fun is coming and isn't sure exactly what it will look like. Oh to be a kid :)

Knows that right when we get home from preschool drop off is bedtime -- he goes to his pack n play, tries to climb in, and says "Buh-Bye!" to me. I help him in and he gives the best tight hugs and eskimo kisses before going down. Then he also knows when he wakes up after it's time to go get brother. He immediately goes to put his shoes on (typically on the wrong food and won't let me switch them) and says "Go go go!" He's so funny. We've been feeding our neighbor's cat this week and he loves it. I say, "Let's go feed Coconut!" and he puts his shoes on immediately and loves looking for her. When we guide his prayers he repeats everything we say in Bennett language, and my favorite is when we say "Thank you for Kitty" he says "Thank you, Meow Meow". He is pure joy when Michael gets home from work. "Dada!!!!!" with the biggest hug ever. 

We're off to Thanksgiving!

Palmer the Puppy came back to visit and he is a STRONG 7 month old little guy now!

Woke up with teenager hair.

So into story time these days. We're sad it's over until the spring now.

Preschool Thanksgiving Party

Washing farm animals at the Lutheran church Mornings with Mommy

I know this is not an attractive picture. But we made ribs on our Trager for the first time and they were the best ribs I've ever had! Loving that grill more all the time. Don't worry, we took some to friends. That's a lot of ribs.

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