Monday, September 16, 2019

Here we go, thirties!

survived a week of call this week, he's on every 5 weeks right now. But luckily this weekend he was home pretty early after rounds on both Saturday and Sunday. He did have to go in late Friday night to help the first year resident with a little two-year-old girl who was bit in the face by a pit bull. You guys, it's always a pit bull. And it's always a pit bull who has never shown aggressive behavior before. That's the PSA for the week. He also saved us this week when our car battery died after Bennett's speech therapy appointment. I was so grateful that happened on a day that he was able to get away for a bit and give us a ride. The car has a new battery and honestly I'm happy that it also has an oil change and tire rotation that didn't involve me sitting at the shop with my kiddos during all that, so... no complaints. Thanks Michael! He had some really, really long work days this week and I had some first year flashbacks. There's a light at the end of this tunnel that makes those late nights even more annoying right now -- he's so ready for a change of pace :)

is another year older! And 31 is sounding a lot older than 30 to me. My sister said "we've never been more the same age than now" and I feel the very same way. My favorite part of birthdays are hearing from so many people that I love and catching up a little with friends from all different life stages. Michael had to work in the morning and we had kind of a rough morning (toddler emotions) but things cheered up a lot when he got home. He took the boys to pick out some flowers and treats for me and they were so cute to color birthday cards. We went to my friend Emily's for dinner and her family just feels like being with family for us. I just love her. She made my favorite chocolate cake and sent it all home with us -- true friendship. This week was also the first time I did the Clean Simple Eats meal plan for all meals and snacks the entire week, and it felt great! I really loved it.

is enjoying school more than we realized, because on the day our car broke down I thought we wouldn't make it to school in time for him. When he found that out he broke down in tears and was SO sad, and then he was so excited when Michael came and took him to school. So his neutral attitude is all a toddler facade. So Westin. He helped me clean a lot this weekend and is so much fun during his super good attitude good helper moments. I wish we didn't have our low moments and fights but we're figuring it out. I'm not sure how to balance giving him the attention he needs and being a fun mom while also involving him in work and getting the things done that I need to. His current frequent response to me when I'm getting things done is "Well I just want to do something fun." And it kills me because I feel like we spend so much time giving them a fun life and I want him to learn to work hard and play hard. But then I also feel guilty when I remember he's 4 and there are things he shouldn't have to worry about. Anyways. Thoughts.

went through almost all of two without being terrible, but there's a storm brewing... He has had attitude for the first time in his life this past week. He also colored all over my house this weekend which I feel like came out of no where -- pretty sure he learned not to do that a year ago and hasn't done it since? And he's been fighting naps and saying no and not eating unless we feed him... what is happening to my Benny boy! But he still gives the best hugs, says "oh-kuh" in the cutest way, wipes his tears away so sweetly when he wants to be done being sad, and fake laughs to cheer you up whenever the mood feels a little too tense for his liking. He also super loves sharing a room with his older brother and loves doing whatever Westin is doing. It's feeling like all the hard work of having them close together is finally paying off in the relationship they're developing. Oh Benny, stay sweet! He's also catching on to the fact that speech therapy appointments are to help him talk, not just to play, so he's putting up some walls there when I try to practice with him. I'm just so ready to understand that cute boy more than I am!

is such a sweetheart and I'm obsessed with him. He'll often sleep 6-7 hours and I am so grateful for that. Some days he's tough and never takes a solid nap, and those days always leave me feeling pretty spent. But some days he sleeps four hours in a row and we feel on top of the world when we get caught up! He took a great long nap on Friday and I counted it as his birthday present to me, because I was able to make pizza with the boys and really enjoy some time with them. I feed him while laying down way more than I did with my other two boys and waking up to him right by me in the morning is the sweetest thing. I can't believe he'll be two months this week! Three cute boys. Still surreal.

Making protein power balls! He loves being in charge of the scooping.

The party starts first thing around here.

One eating, one whispering stories to me, and one showing me his magnet creations.

Sometimes I feel like I feed this boy all day every day. But I know this will pass.

This dog... she's a sweet ollllld golden retriever and she kind of broke Bennett's heart,
she was too old and grumpy for his antics and let him know it with some barks that just made him so sad.

We tried to take her for a walk because her owner said she'd love it, but...

We didn't get a block away before...

She let us know she was not at all interested.

But we made it out for another walk for school drop-off.

 I got a fruit roll-up from a Relief Society ministering interview
and Westin thought that was pretty much the coolest treat ever.

Some mornings Camden is up before anyone,
and some mornings he sleeps in way past the rest of us.
Kitty prefers spending her time with whoever is having the laziest moment.

Pizza Pinwheels night!

This dough is just wheat flour, greek yogurt, eggs, and some seasoning.
Bennett loved it but Westin wasn't too sure.
He was here for the turkey pepperonis though.

Looking so much bigger lately!

Do I look 31 instead of 30 now?
The boys are aging me, you guys.
It's happening.

Emily's cute girls couldn't get enough of baby Camden.

It's crazy to see our six kids all together,
our BYU freshmen days don't seem long ago at all!
And also they really do. You know.

Angel boy.

Sometimes I ride in the back with the boys to help Camden figure out this binky thing,
and Bennett thinks that's just pretty funny to have mom back there.

Clean Simple Eats fall harvest cobb salad. It was fun trying new recipes all week.

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