Monday, June 8, 2020

Starting Our Goodbyes

We've started our goodbyes.
Last class Zoom meeting for Westin. Last girls night. 
Residency pictures for Michael. A few play dates (our first since March and COVID).
We will miss a lot of people that we were lucky to overlap life with here in Fresno!

Westin and Bennett played with friends 3 times this week which basically felt like Christmas for them. Their babysitter and her mom came over and helped us pack one day as well, which felt like another extra bonus since they love Ashley so much. That was SO kind of them, and we spent 3 hours bubble wrapping all of my Japanese dishes. If nothing else makes it through the move, we'd be fine -- but those dishes have my heart. 

We ironically had more behavior issues/situations this week than we have any other week since pre-COVID and I feel like it just sort of unleashed once the boys got a taste of what life used to be. It was like we fully realized just how different it has been. We're trying to give each other patience and kindness and it's a daily effort :)

My favorite thing Bennett says right now is whenever I call into questionable silence, "Bennett, what are you doing?" and he answers with, "Anything!" instead of nothing. No one is allowed to correct him. He's been giving the older dog we're watching for a couple weeks a little too much love and attention, as well as the bees in our backyard. But bee stings and friendly(ish) growls do little to nothing to deter Bennett's doting attention. Still catching bees and cuddling hesitant dogs.
(Don't worry, he's safe.) (But quite brave.)

Westin has his first loose tooth which was all out DRAMA for a full day until Michael suggested we FaceTime his best bud from school, Weston, and ask him about life lessons when it comes to tooth-losing. His exact advice included, but was not limited to, "Don't worry Westin -- you'll get to tell your kids about this! And they'll tell their kids, and their kids... it's just going to keep going, and be really great." "Westin, it's so cool to get your big tooth after your little one falls out -- that's going to be your tooth FOREVER! I have some of those so, I have to brush them so good, you know? Like super good." "Don't be scared, it's going to feel great after you lose it! It's really cool!" Then his mom later let me know that Weston never mentioned the Tooth Fairy to Westin because "I didn't want to ruin that surprise for him! He's going to love it!" These boys and their little kindred spiritness make me so happy. The tooth is still around and loose, but Westin hasn't cried or run around the kitchen freaking out about it since their little heart-to-heart. So, looks like we're waiting this one out until it's good and ready.

Camden is so much fun. I just love watching how much he loves Michael. It's so adorable. I went to a girls night on Saturday and Camden woke up while I was out. Michael gave him some applesauce and put him back down and he did just fine. That's the first time that has happened! It was such a happy, freeing thing to hear about when I texted Michael to see if he'd woken up yet. Michael's exact response was "Don't worry, I nursed him with some applesauce," which wasn't true but the visual keeps making me laugh.

We pack a few boxes every day. The truck is booked. The house process is moving forward. There are of course a lot of things to still figure out, but overall I feel really good about where we're at (and where we're going... and where we've been... how's that for good vibes). We're going to see quite a bit of family during out week of moving and that makes me super happy. The last few months have been so strange. The last week in particular has been so heavy. We just love our people and need to spend more time with them than we've been able to lately. Seems like everyone is feeling that, and we should all show some extra kindness however we can.

The boys feel extra big to me lately. I even kept them up from quiet time one day this week because I just legitimately needed their help with this and that and wanted to get a lot more done than I was able to without them. Westin can do so many things to help and he's such a good kid. He has been talking about "a Buzz Lightyear with electricity" for weeks (one that lights up and makes noise) and I told him if he works hard helping me with getting ready to move, then he can earn a dollar a day until he can get Buzz Lightyear. Then Bennett will get Woody and they'll be their moving buddies like on Toy Story. Kids are so much fun :) And exhausting. Someone teach my kids to sleep past 6:15 in the morning, please. I'll pay you a dollar a day too.
Watching an end-of-year slideshow on his last class Zoom meeting.


Such a sweet, sweet, sweet boy.
I tell him so dozens of times each day right now.
He's just really sweet.

Teddy is here for a couple weeks,
and he really loves Michael and Camden.

They found 58 snails one morning. Fed them to the turtles.
Well, probably the first 4-6 to the turtles.
The other 52 were lucky.

Westin loved his teachers so much!
We are so sad he didn't have a full year with them.
Kindergarten teachers are like no one else. Angels.

I can't stop thinking about this read.
Read it here.

Muscle shot on our kayak!
First time taking all 5 of us out.

Westin loved it. We went to the taco trucks after,
and he was in heaven.

Camden wasn't so sure in the beginning but then he settled in.

Sold our entertainment center. Made a new one.
Things are feeling real.

Teddy is a hyper little walker.

Last girls night with these sweet friends.

Now for the residency glamour shots!
They for sure didn't expect their chief year to finish out like this.

The people Michael worked with and learned from during residency is the reason we ended up in Fresno.
I feel so grateful for that.


Michael learned so much from Dr. Julian.

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