Monday, February 15, 2021

Love Day, Love Week.

 This week! This week. Soo much love in this week.

Monday I was so nervous all day, doing last minute things with our Kickstarter plan and just feeling honestly nauseous as we prepped to send our hearts out into the world. We've been wrapped up in this project for 3 years and then to just send it out there and see how people responded to it felt so intimidating. But last week Kindal worked and worked and worked on making our video, and she did SUCH a good job. She had a vision of what she wanted the end result to be and just figured out every step of the way, teaching herself how to make it. That video really captures so much of our Why and our How and I just love her for making it! We posted that Monday night, and went to bed at 3am after figuring out some last minute things before going live the next day.

Tuesday, I walked the boys to school, came home, made a last minute change to our Kickstarter plan, and then Facetimed Kindal so we could launch it together. 3...2...1... we were live! That feeling. Oh man, so much love started pouring in. Messages. Shares. Texts. Calls, I felt so much love for all the people in our circles and so much love for this project of ours. The moment during our photo shoot when all the kids were just genuinely showing each other pictures and looking at the book with so much attention, I felt so happy to be figuring out how to get more of these books in more little hands. It's been a huge time and money dump and I just have always felt like it just needs to be that right now and it's all going to be ok.

I couldn't even check our Kickstarter because I was responding to so many messages, both nice thoughts and questions and lots of Kickstarter explaining and this and that, all day. Sweet Camden watched a lot of Baby Einstein and ate a lot of graham crackers but let's not pretend those two things keep him content for long at all -- mostly he just followed me around and tried to take my phone because I'm sure I was looking at it basically the whole day. He won't remember that one day, right?? So all day Ali and Becca would just text me numbers and I loved them for it, because I hardly was able to check our total. Almost $1000 an hour until we were fully funded in just under 8. Kindal and I wanted to set a conservative goal to make sure the first people who wanted Savior would for sure get their copies ASAP, but we were blown away at how fast that came together.

Now, we've spent the week answer questions, moving forward with our marketing plans, and gearing up for some other ways to keep our Kickstarter going. Our shipment is still on track to arrive to me mid-March, and we're building up our inventory of shipping supplies. One tender mercy was when I placed our HUGE order for custom boxes and packing envelopes for the books, I realized the company we decided to go with is located in Louisville, Colorado. I looked it up just to see if it was close, and it's less than an hour away from me. So I'll be picking all our supplies up myself which will save us both time and money and it just felt like such a happy bonus.

Every friend and family member that supported us that day or sent us some love, just seriously means the world to me. Tuesday was really unforgettable.

Michael spent this week on call for the first time, and it was very quiet. He answered a couple calls, and did have to go in tonight to see someone, but that was the only time. He's on call until Tuesday morning.

The boys can't wait to get on an airplane to go to visit Grandma and Grandpa Daetwyler. They also LOVED Valentine's day, especially the sweet gifts from four of our neighbors. Our neighborhood continues to blow me away. Westin made me a graphing game with some Valentine stamps, Bennett is on a dinosaur kick, and Camden loves working out with me each morning when the boys are at school. He also had a great well check this week -- he's small but healthy! He weighs 20 pounds, which is what Bennett weighed at his 4 month appointment, hehe. These kids just come different in every way. We ate dinner with another oral surgeon that just moved here that Michael knew in Indiana on Saturday night, and with some friends in the ward on Sunday night. Both those families have all boys -- I just feel surrounded by boys lately even more than normal. They're so much fun. Michael took the older boys to the Museum of Discovery on Saturday while I stayed home to give Camden a nap. They had a great time and it's surreal to me that we used to just hit up places like that 3x a week. Covid changed life so much.

Oh this week. Just so much love.

All dressed up for his well check appointment!

Helping me workout by handing me my bands.
With his mouth, haha.

Gearing up for some serious shipping.

Camden's happy place right now is bouncing all around on the boys' beds at bedtime.

This moment.

Choosing our tape size!
So many tiny decisions that have been and will be made.

Camden loves to go through my cupboards and relocate all these items.
I needed dijon mustard for a salad dressing. I knew we were out in the fridge but that I had an unopened bottle in my pantry. That's when I remembered I had seen Camden playing with it earlier... so we all went on a hunt. Michael ended up spotting it -- can you? Oh Cam Cam.

Happy Valentine's Day!
The boys went with Michael to shovel snow at the church in cooooool 0-degree weather while I made a Valentines brunch for them.

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