Sunday, October 9, 2022

Bennett is 6!

 We have a six-year-old Bennett!

My heart was heavy yet full when I gave 5-year-old Bennett one last hug this week. He has a heart of gold. He loves people so much. He tells me about times when people make choices he doesn't like at school and ends with something along the lines of, "But I'm still always gonna be their friend," or "But I'm still going to be always nice to them," and he just loves. He is such a sweet big brother to Asher and currently loves teaching him how to wrestle.... boys. Kindergarten is great for him so far and he loves showing me what he's learning. This is a content, sweet, grateful boy and we love him with all our hearts. Six sounds so big.

Pictures for the rest of the week, pretty routine days!

Happy Birthday, Benny Boy!! He loved taking little birthday cakes in to all his friends at school.

I looked over while I was playing catch with Westy boy and saw the cutest little smiling boy just staring at me. He melts my heart multiple times a day, and this swing set is his happy place.

New hobby! I just really like making things that no child can make a mess of or eat up in 5 minutes.
So I decided to start some little macrame projects while we watch a show so that I can do something besides half look at my phone. I really like it so far! It's easier to jump in and out of than my cross stitching, which I haven't picked back up since moving... it's just too much to have out with a baby around.

Westin teaching me all about football.
Many have tried and I just have never had enough interest for it to stick. 
But when it's my cute oldest teaching me and loving to watch it, I'm seeing football in a whole new light this fall. He's obsessed.

Kitty loves Michael. Even when it's just his pajamas and he's at work.

Button pumpkins! I bought a cute holiday box from my friend Erik Wilson's wife, her company is really cute. And the boys have loved doing some festive Halloween things together and I've loved having everything I need in one place for all the activities without any research.

I laughed when I cut my pepper open and it was full of Halloween Spirit.

I needed to put together a booth for a Stake RS activity about a way we can serve in our community.
I have learned about ChildSafe from my friend/realtor and really liked putting together these materials for the activity.

Michael took the boys to the nursery's pumpkin contest while I was at the stake activity.
They loved seeing these huge pumpkins. The winner was over 1700 pounds!

Another failed attempt to give blood.
I think I'm done trying.

This cutie hit 11 months this week. How. How how how.

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