Thursday, April 4, 2024

Quick Turnaround

A Thursday blog post!

Because tomorrow we are off to chase some Midwest nostalgia and solar eclipse magic.

Coming back from Arizona with just a few days before our Indianapolis trip has felt busy! I was going to skip our April Fool's Dinner until I heard Westin talking about how excited he was for it... that kid will hold you to a tradition, that's for sure. So we had a few funny courses from the "Fool's Cafe" where the boys don't know exactly what parts of the meal they're ordering, and it had us laughing.

I took Chick-Fil-A to a friend's house for lunch to meet her new baby and it had me thinking about postpartum days and new baby life and how much babies turn my world upside down. I'm just proud of everyone who gets a baby here.

The rest of the week was unpacking, laundry, packing, with school and work and soccer and piano and life thrown in between! We have been counting down the days to our Indiana trip and we're excited to take off tomorrow! 

Getting their April Fool's Day orders in.

We really just had a fancy, fancy dinner of air fryer chicken nuggets, a salad kit, some fruit, some pretzels, and some chocolate haha. But I broke it all down into random parts and the boys just get a few at a time for each course. Westin thinks it's so funny.

Dad's first course was his piece of dessert chocolate, his barbecue sauce, and his pineapple.
This is what we like to see.

Such a happy boy in swings.
The day he grows out of his Wild Things jacket will be a day with some tears.

These boys love tying their cars together like a train and taking laps and laps around our deck.

I am always intrigued by what Michael becomes busy with right before having guests over or leaving on a trip. This is him planting some seeds the night before we take off for a week :)

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