Sunday, May 26, 2024

Preschool Graduation, Camping, and Cousins

 I made it home late Sunday night after lots of flight delays, and I was happy to be back for Westin's awards assembly on Monday morning. His teacher gave him an award for mindfulness, and said that she can always count on Westin to be doing what he's supposed to be doing. I'm so grateful for the student and kid that he is.

On Tuesday we had to skip nap time and head to the eye doctor because someone around here (read: Camden) is refusing to wear his glasses. Turns out his astigmatism has improved but his overall sight has worsened, so those things combined has him not loving his current glasses. We've got a new pair in the works now but I just always want to remember cute Camden in the eye exam chair, trying to do a good job on their questions but getting confused by all the letters he can see at once. Just so sweet.

On Thursday Asher and I went to Camden's cute patriotic preschool graduation, where he was Uncle Sam. It was just so cute. I'm so grateful he'll be at the same school next year (everyone will be) or I would've been a mess. Next year is basically a repeat of this year, plus one more day a week for Cam Cam, and I'm here for it. He was adorable in his program and the boys were big fans of the Cold Stone ice cream they served after.

Friday was our first camping trip of the year! We went to Red Feather Lakes and it was fun to get away. Asher and I ended up heading back to our own beds after s'mores, and that was also really fun in its own way. I loved how tired he was when we got home and how much fun we had in the morning just hanging out together in a quiet house.

The boys came back around lunch time and we had a laid back Saturday. On Sunday we went to the Orr's home for Benton's graduation open house, and right when we got back home Diana and Katie's boys (she's watching them while Katie is in London with Ryan) got here for Memorial Day fun. She brought Jocelyn with her and we're so happy they're staying with us this weekend! The boys are going to have a blast.

Westin's Star Award assembly where he received an award for Mindfulness

After the assembly you head back to your kid's classroom and the teacher shares more about why they earned the award. She said Westin is always on task and thinking about what needs to be done. He's such a great kid.

Addicted to magnets still!

I just love every time I catch all four of them playing together.
These ages are a sweet spot for sure.

We spent a loooong afternoon at the eye doctor this week during nap time. Brutal!
But this little Cam Cam needs a prescription pair that he actually wants to wear!
His eyes are changing fast just like the rest of him, cute boy.

Such a cute little eye exam patient.

He really wanted these red frames but we took a picture to save for next time,
because we decided he still could use the strap and bendy glasses.
He is such a sweetheart at the eye doctor.

These aspen trees were dead when we moved in and it breaks my heart.
Michael finally pulled one down this week. 
Bike helmet for safety.

This is photographic evidence that Asher really still should be in a high chair.
But he doesn't think so.
I rest my case.

Patriotic preschool graduation!
My guy is Uncle Sam in the top left corner :)

I'll forever remember his enthusiastic "I WANT YOU!" moment.
Nailed it.

The kids went wild for this confetti haha.

Cold Stone ice cream for graduation refreshments?
Can't beat that.

Some of this is entirely accurate.

Proud of this guy!

Camden asks me to read anything and everything to him, 
including signs people are holding when we're driving by corners where people hold signs.
This week he was playing on the deck while Michael and I were chatting,
and he suddenly said, "And here's my car, and it has a sign on it, it says 'Anything helps.'"
And we both heard that and just started cracking up,
because it was so random and so hilarious coming from this little kid who has all needs met in the world.
You had to be there but we could not stop laughing at how observant and goofy and random he is.
Then leaving his preschool graduation the next day I saw this sign on the ground and I'll never think of this sign the same, so I made him take a quick picture by it.
He doesn't even understand why and it will just always make me laugh.

Finally took an hour to paint my laundry room window black! Stage 1...

Stage 2, almost there...

Stage 3. I will get to all the windows in the house someday. Maybe.

Always lining up the chairs into "a choo-choo train!" when we're watching Bennett and Camden at swimming lessons.

Camping weekend!

S'mores assistant.
But watch him closely, because he's just in it for the chocolate.

Saying our goodbyes...
Asher and I headed home to sleep in our own beds.
But maybe next time we'll stay!

Luna loved a little of our camping dinner when we got home.

I have to say that waking up in a house with just Asher was very peaceful and sweet.
We laid in my bed for almost an hour and it was my favorite part of the week.

Michael's belt unfortunately made it into the washing machine after camping,
and lost its life.
He's sad, because it's been his belt since he was 14.
I'm not sad. Because it's been his belt since he was 14. And that is just straight up injustice.

Diana brought Katie's boys up for Memorial Day!
She's watching them while Katie and Ryan are in London.

Our niece Jo had so much fun with Luna all weekend.
She took this cute picture of her.

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