Sunday, August 4, 2024

Miner Time & Summer Concerts

 I loved this week SO MUCH. I love when family visits us!

The Miners came on Sunday and left on Wednesday and it was SO NICE of them to come visit us just for fun, just for a couple days. I looked forward to it so much, my family was just happy happy happy the whole time they were here, I love being around them, and it really just felt so joyful to have that time with them.

They came late Sunday night, and I stayed up waiting for them catching up on Comma writing stuff so that I wouldn't have to work on that while they were here, and Michael was out at the hospital helping someone who'd crashed their motorcycle. 

On Monday we played at Twin Silo park and the kids love the playground there, and finding lots of crawdads. Westin did a football camp each morning this week at the same park so it was great! Then we watched SO MANY olympic events and I just love that.

Tuesday we played lots of games and hung out, then that night we had a pizza picnic by Arapahoe Bend with the paddle boards and kayak. It was great weather and that night was so fun. 

We had to say goodbye to the Miners on Wednesday morning after a waffle breakfast with some early birthday candles for Jonas. I'm so glad they came.

Thursday I ran errands with my three younger boys for the full three hours that Westin was at football camp, and Friday we did a HUGE Costco trip. Sometimes those major Costco trips are just heart-stopping at checkout, holy moly. I remember when Costco used to be overwhelming because Michael and I couldn't get through a package of anything that's sold there and now it's just like, oh so you're where my monthly freezer and pantry fill ups have to happen, perfect. Wild.

Saturday we went to one of my favorite concerts of my life! Ben Folds came to Fort Collins and played with our city symphony, on an outdoor stage at the Gardens here. It was so wonderful. We decided to take Westin and Bennett (maybe to cure some whining that happens about piano lessons, looking at you We---) AND they were excited to come. We had dinner at the food trucks there and loved listening to Ben Folds tell the stories behind writing each of the songs he performed. Just a really wonderful concert. We grabbed milkshakes after and I was laughing so much at Bennett and Westin's answers when we were asking them the best and worst part of being a kid. Westin told a story about Asher's less-than-stellar sharing capabilities that had us laughing so much. Then I sample Westin's shake and he was drinking Bennett's root beer shake and Bennett was drinking Westin's caramel shake and they didn't even know they didn't get the flavor they ordered. It just cracked me up.

Asher has been waking up at 5:45 on the dot and we need to go to bed earlier but when it's 10:00pm and we're watching Olympics we just never seem to agree with that statement? Oops.

This was just a fun week with family and these cute boys of ours!

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