Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I love a fresh start. I can't believe it's 2025. I still feel like we just moved here sometimes.

We said goodbye to my parents on Monday. It's hard for me to even recall what else happened this week... so many games of Cover Your Assets and Spot It, Westin went to Wendy's a few times to work on the movie they're making (apparently it's a horror film and I'm anxiously awaiting the premier), we spent New Year's Eve at the Baileys house but only Westin and I stayed until midnight, we went on a cold winter walk, we started 10:30 church, and we watched some football. This week felt like a nice kind of empty. I was thinking about how over the last few years I've often felt anxious when we had no plans because I felt like we always had to get the boys out every day or people melted down or went crazy. But they're just able to go with the flow more now, whether that's days of outings or days of chilling at home. I love that.

My only goals for 2025 are one new habit (no social media until I've studied my scriptures that day) and a project (catch up on our yearbooks and home videos). There is probably a long list of other things I should be focusing on, but that's where I'm at right now.

Here's to a brand new year!

I have really decluttered our Christmas decorations, and when I put them all together like this I feel like we don't have that many. But then it fills up almost a whole closet! I guess because the outdoor lights and the Christmas tree isn't here (it's still up until I catch up on yearbooks)... but still. It doesn't make sense to me. 

After gloomily putting away Christmas right after we sent my parents off,
I felt like I just related to Luna's Rudolph toy that I found like this.
Poor Rudolph. Didn't even last a day.

Operation teach Westin to KonMari.
I have cleaned out his desk every few months while he's at school,
but it slowly has become more and more out of control and I'm done doing this without him.
So we pulled everything out. Everything into like piles. Thought about what should be stored somewhere else, and what should be kept in the desk area. Rearranged the books. Went through all papers.
It feels SO MUCH BETTER and I feel like that's the BEST feeling,
so I keep asking him if he just loves it so much.
He does... but I don't know that everyone gets a high from a KonMari'd space in the same way.
I just can't believe how much I actively battle clutter coming into our house and keeping spaces in somewhat organized with these four little guys.

Speaking of KonMari...
Getting rid of Asher's too-small clothes always leaves me sad!
I just had so many cute little boys wear these shirts at such a cute stage!

Asher and I watched our German Pancakes puff up together for the entirety of the 20 minutes they cooked.
This is Christmas break.

New Year's at the Baileys.

I just love these ladies.

Westin has been so excited to stay up until midnight with Quinn.

Spot It addict. Westin is sweet to play with him.

Camden is such a goofball.
His prayers are my favorite thing to listen to right now.
He thinks about people so much.

Road Magnets have been a Christmas gift hit.
They build with magnets so much.

Poor Asher... a fine of 9 million and 2 years in prison, for crashing cars.
It's brutal in the backyard.

Look at that frost!
Technically called hoar frost. Michael really enjoyed telling me that throughout our hike.

The fences looked like barbed wire but it was just frost!

Happy little winter guy.
I feel like I haven't seen this coat since this hike...
oh my goodness, managing gear. It's a thing!

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