Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Day

Two years ago I had a wonderful, wonderful boyfriend on Valentine's Day. Last year, I had a seriously great fiance. And this year, I have a husband that I love very much...more every day actually, which is the greatest.

Michael is the star of my love day, three years and running. He is always the best thing about my day, every day. And I love how he loves me too...even when I'm a little scatterbrained, even when I repeatedly ask him to kill spiders, even when I'm kind of mad which means I'm not going to speak for quite some time until everything is sorted out in my head...

He loves me then, too. Sometimes getting me to talk about how I feel is like pulling teeth. But...he is going to dental school. So it looks like he's the right man for the job. Pretty lucky girl, if I say so myself. (Which I just did...because this is my blog.)

There's a great post about celebrating real love over on A Blog About Love (an appropriate blog to read today, right?). That's also where I got the Haiku above, which I think is 17 of the greatest syllables anyone could ever remember.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I LOVE the picture of you two on the railroad. How took that? So cute.

    1. Thanks Becca!! It's just a shot from my phone in Cincinnati last weekend :)


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