Monday, February 18, 2019

When You're Happy to See a Monday

This Monday is more welcome than most because A) Michael has tomorrow off! and B) I am happy to see this week come to a close. It was a rough one.

has started thinking about how to initiate job searching as we head into the last rotation of his third year. It's hard to even imagine life after this long road! It's a weird feeling to not have a concept of where or what life will really look like next summer. We feel like the months leading up to baby have become busy with plans and visitors, and then he's in his chief year and downhill stretch. So we've got a few plans this week to initiate some job searching and it feels good to be doing something. He was happy to work his way to a three-day weekend this week! He was sweet to set up the van with a new phone charger and adapters that I need to listen to audio books while I drive. I always love to skip out on product research when I can... Google has made all decisions harder and easier. We didn't see him much on Valentine's Day but our date last weekend counted!

This week was long and rough because of a situation with my family that felt really new and hurtful, but from all the hard I learned (or relearned) these things:
1) It's wonderful to have a family that wants to spend time together and do things together,
2) I'm grateful that my brother married someone who is my sister in every sense of the word,
3) I think it is never going to get easier, only harder, to live far away from my family -- but I'm grateful to have a family that I miss rather than not care about that,
4) Life stages are changing and it is a good thing but with new territory to figure out,
5) I don't know how I'd cope with basically 95% of my life without my incredible friend Becca,
6) Honesty is the harder route but better route if something is really hurting you -- I hate looking back on the times in life I wish I was more open,
7) My parents and siblings and their spouses are really incredible people with great relationships,
8) If there was a class to learn to communicate things I feel passionately about without crying, I'd give them my money so fast.
9) I am so grateful for Michael. We have the dumb things we fight about and the things we're not great at. But when life hits me hard, Michael is just there and loving and I feel really lucky to have him on Team Maddie on bad days. 

That's all vague and annoying and I wondered if I'd even write anything remotely about the painful part of this week, but it was a really big deal to me and this blog is a record for me to remember more than just the highlights. So there it is. Also, still feeling so sick is not helping anything and I'm so excited to hit 18 weeks soon and hopefully feel better. And to find out the gender of this little one!

We LOVED seeing our friends James and Jamie this week! They drove through Fresno "on their way home" from Disneyland which was so nice! We went to dinner with them Saturday night and had fun catching up. I was so sad when they moved from Fresno to Utah but I'm glad we've still met up when we're able to. Good friends!!! Good friends just make such a difference in life.

Helped me pick out some sunglasses for Michael for Valentine's day and we ended up getting them at Costco. There was no price on them and I said, "We should go ask them how much these are and maybe get them for daddy," and he said, "Probably they're $500. He's going to love them." And I was like, "Probably they're $25, and probably we won't get them if they're $500." And he said, "I'll get them if they are, I need my card!" Because he always keeps our old hotel keys and calls them $500 because he associates them with credit cards. It was just so funny to me. The four-year-old mind is fun to experience. Except for when it's miserable and grumpy :) He is soaking in church and family lessons more than I anticipated and that's fun! We also started the Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons book and he never really loves it the whole time, but he told me one day that he feels good inside when we learn to read, so that was cute. (Also, the sunglasses were $25. Why did Bob Barker leave Price is Right before I could get there!?!!)

Is potty trained except when it's Saturday. Basically he still needs some promptings or he's still recognizing "I'm Peeing" rather than "I Need to Pee" mode, which I can totally handle throughout the week in our proactive routine because we don't have accidents. But on Saturday we had some slip ups because we are just living a different life. This was our first Saturday full of chores in a while and it honestly felt so good. Michael made our yard look great and the boys were having fun helping him, so I was able to clean so much of the house. On Sunday we had family night with a family in our ward and they were so fun to be with. Bennett loved hanging out at their house and did a great job using a big potty for the first time today at both Stake Conference and our friend's house. He's so, so, so so loving. So loving. Grateful for that every day!

Little painters. This kept them busy for a lot longer than I expected!

Chaco is back!

He drew each person in our family plus Kitty. I love this picture.

My friend Ali is the best baker! These were SO yummy.

My valentines!

They JUST discovered the baker hates I gave them for Christmas that have been hanging by their kitchen for months.

Watching the rain at school. We have had so much!

Heart pizza -- easy but festive is still where I'm at for holidays.

This is how Chaco sleeps. Completely covered by his blanket, hidden away.

He loves to eat the pulp while he juices oranges. It's a great little job for him!

Cutest project from preschool

Jamie! So so fun seeing their family.

They love to send Ali or Michael emojis. Sooooo many poop emojis, every time.

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