Sunday, March 17, 2019

Ready for Road Trips

Placed his first chest tube this week and has had some other new experiences during his trauma time. He's super tired. We were planning on leaving for Utah on Saturday but he thought he might get home a little bit earlier than usual and so we wanted to hang around one more day to get some time with him. He made it home around 3:30 and we spent an afternoon at the zoo and ate dinner by the elephants. He loves being with his boys any chance he gets.

had my sister in town this week! She flew in on Thursday and followed us on our drive to Utah to take our truck home. We are happy that sweet little blue truck is staying with family. I spent a couple mornings this week just cooking, we have visitors right after Utah so I wanted a stocked freezer. I finished a book this week, The Happiness Project, and enjoyed some takeaways from that. Owning your own happiness does so much for the people in your life and for yourself. Pi Day was my favorite day of the week, which Michael had off for his weekday break. We got Blaze pizzas for dinner (all pizzas $3.14 that day!) then Haagen Dazs ice cream while the boys played at the playground.

passed his swim level! I was so proud of him, he worked hard. He also made a cute treasure craft at preschool and listed his treasures as, "Ice Cream, Firetrucks, Watermelon, Pumpkin Seeds, School". I thought that was so funny. He really does remember random things so vividly, like scooping out our pumpkin seeds and baking them together. That was months ago and we haven't really talked about it since. There are constantly things that come up like that which remind me that his memory is incredible and little moments of effort are worth it. Westin did NOT like our long weekend drive to Utah and had a hard time, but traveling always ends. I feel so bad that looking at books or anything like that makes him so carsick. The boys were SO excited to pull up to grandma and grandpa's house and see some snow left in their yard, and immediately had a snowball fight with grandpa. It was so funny to see those California boys get so excited over a little snow.

is a happy little guy and looked at Chatbooks/The Friend/Spot It cards for 6 of our 8.5 road trip hours without complaining, and watched a movie for the other two. He never fell asleep, and Westin slept the last 90 minutes. He didn't have any accidents on the drive is such a happy guy. Ali did lots of sound practice with him, lucky to have a Speech Language Pathologist in the fam :) He doesn't do the ending consonant sounds of many words and makes up words for so much stuff. It's adorable, but I feel bad when he feels frustrated at times if we're not understanding him.

Late Sunday walk with dad last week 

Bennett loves animals and they love him.

He loves looking through The Friend lately.

When Westin leveled up at swim he gets to choose a prize or a treat from the swim school.
This time he chose an Icee, and I got one for Bennett too. They wanted to eat them right here together and it was so cute.

Haha the only quick picture I snapped of his bell ringing.

Music time at preschool

The boys ate an entire Blaze pizza between the two of them.
The days of us just sharing our food with them are coming to a quick end.

They found the perfect spot for their ice cream break.

Preschool, G for Glasses

Westin's Treasures

Watching Family Videos with Ali

Westin loves exercising with Ali and ran a mile of our regular two-mile walk that day.

The zoo is Bennett's happy place for sure.

Bennett LOVES to feed the giraffes at the zoo.
When he looks through his latest Chatbook, he always bursts into real belly laughs when he gets to the page with the picture of him feeding giraffes. He has to work so hard to wait his turn in line because he's SO excited to hand over that lettuce. It's so sweet.

Shake Shack stop on our drive.

8.5 hours in the car doesn't do much good for your move goals,
and I always laugh when my watch sends me messages like this right as I'm about to crawl into bed.
It's not worth it, watch. I'm tired.

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