Sunday, May 26, 2019

Full On Nesting

Our week can be described in one word for sure: NESTING.

I hardly even have any photos to post because they are all basically messy befores and organized afters of drawer and closets and random stuff. I have a long list in my phone and I am just ready to feel ALL ready for this baby before the temperatures hit 100 and before my body is super done being pregnant.

Had Thursday off which is Westin's favorite, because that means he picks Westin up from school on his bike and brings Westin's balance bike with him. They even stopped for strawberry ice cream, lucky boys! Westin loves those rides with daddy. Michael is such a huge help whenever he is home and such a good dad.

Nesting! Just lots of nesting. So many random projects that suddenly feel very needed. Like buying a wood marker to color in Kitty's scratches on all our bedroom furniture. Or reorganizing the boys' dresser so that the baby can have a drawer. Or changing up our main linen closet so that Westin's closet now has no kid linens in it. Multiple Goodwill trips. Nesting is my favorite drug. I remember that feeling getting me so far when I was pregnant with Westin, then when I had Bennett I felt ripped off because our Indy>Fresno move took up all my nesting drive. But this time we are harnessing that energy!

Is losing parts of his routine here and there as things end for the summer and he's going to be pretty disappointed when school is done. He's pretty much all the way done taking naps but quiet time still does him good. Our school transfer application was denied so our plans for next year are up in the air, but I wrote an appeal letter and I'm REALLY hoping they let him go to Transitional Kindergarten at the school right by us. Fingers crossed. I love chatting with Westin. We have our hard days still but when they come around I am reminded how many good days he has now. He found our turtle in our garage this week and was super concerned that we almost ran him over even though we did not. But, Mr. T is loved.

has so much energy. I want some of it! Especially come June when the weather gets warmer. We had a miraculous May that never hit 90 degrees, which is basically a pregnancy miracle. So grateful. I'm trying to work with Bennett more on his speech but it's hard to tell if you're making progress when you spend every minute with somebody. We understand quite a bit of Bennett's language but I'm sure he'd love it if he had some more to work with. He seems pretty aware there's a baby in my belly and like to share things with him and say "So soft" when he touches my belly and calls it "Brother".

Overall this week felt super uneventful after a very eventful spring, and that is ok. 
Slow mornings have been more than welcome to come back around here.

Our walks are not super speedy these days between 7-months-pregnant mom,
and boys that like to check on every hiding cat.

Still loving this new cookie recipe

Westy boy is such a runner and it's fun to watch him go.

Learning about the flag at school

Greek pork pitas -- new favorite

Sometimes Bennet puts his pants on his head and roars. And it's just normal.

Our last time having sunbeam preschool at our house! It has been a fun thing for two years.
Now we're heading into summer and some of these kiddos will be in Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten next year.

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