Sunday, November 24, 2019

Coming Up on 5

had his first weekend home in over a month, after a some call weeks right in a row right before he was out of town for two weekends. So it felt nice to be all together and have a low key weekend! He was able to come to Westin's birthday party on Saturday. When I told Westin daddy would be at his party he said, "Wait, what? That's crazy! Are you serious?!" So cute. So sad. Coming back to work was extra painful for Michael this week because he is just feeling so ready to be done with residency. Getting close!

took two days to slowly recover from our trip, but I'm still so glad we went and met our potential practice spots and saw potential cities. I felt like such a mom this week with the birthday stuff going on -- especially bringing treats to Westin's class. I feel like I was just going to school. I am slowly checking things off my holiday to do list so we can have a December that's wide open for the things we actually enjoy and that actually matter. Such a tricky season. I am as tired now as I've been since Camden was born, and it's because I've gotten out of the habit of going to bed early. We just need to do that, but somehow I relearn that lesson constantly. If only I could feel as tired at 8pm as I feel at 8am, the problem would be solved. But oh when those kids go to bed, I suddenly just want to do all the things I can't ever do during the day. I was remembering this week that when we moved here we said, "When we finish residency, Westin will be 5." We couldn't even imagine what having a 5-year-old would be like. He wasn't even two. Such a little guy when we moved here, and Bennett was still growing in my belly. The four years felt like forever ahead of us, and suddenly we're in the last stretch with that little 5-year-old we talked about. Life moves fast, even though the week days often do not. I'm so grateful to be a mom, though. This is what I've always wanted.

was the birthday boy this weekend! Oh he was thrilled about it. He went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese last month and has not stopped talking about it. I offered to throw him a Wild Kratts birthday party at home like he'd been talking about. I gave him all sorts of options. But he was set on Chuck E. Cheese. So the three cute boys he goes to Sunday School with met us there on Saturday and the four of them plus Bennett (and Michael...) had SO much fun playing games and eating pizza and winning tickets. Oh man that place is sensory overload for me. And bringing home all those little random prizes plus the fun presents from his friends had me in #konmari mode all afternoon and I kept making secret trips to the trash can to clear out Westin and Bennett's random hoards of stuff they slowly develop. Westin loved writing notes to each of his friends and making them cookies for coming to his party. Then on Saturday night we got a babysitter for Bennett and Camden and let Westin choose where to go out for his birthday dinner with just mom and dad. We frequently drive by a Famous Dave's barbecue on our errands and Westin always laughs at the pig roasting hot dogs on the outside of the restaurant. So when he got to pick, he was set on "The pig place!" since he had never been. He was so happy with all the attention. Tonight we are doing his birthday dinner with the family (he chose salmon, corn on the cob, and caesar salad, with chocolate chip cookies to blow out candles -- kid after my own heart). Michael is giving him his walkie talkies he had when he was a kid for his birthday, and I think those two are going to have so much fun with that. I can't believe he'll be 5 soon! We also took donuts to his class this week since this coming week is Thanksgiving Break, and he loved that so much. Such a fun age.

has biiiiiig feelings these days. Oh to be 3. If Westin really wants to make Bennett mad these days he just says, "You're 2, Bennett." Which immediately riles Bennett up, who then responds with, "No, THREE, brudder!" Then they continue to argue about his age for a few minutes. Basically every single day. Oh brothers. Also we have no gone a full three years of Bennett's life without him every once calling Westin, Westin. Just Brother. "Brudder." I love it.

feels like a much older baby since our trip since I put away his swing and bassinet and snuggle me pillow when we got home. He has moved into our closet and pack n play and goes to sleep awake now. I almost cried that first night. No other baby has ever slept in our bed so much or slept by me for so long. I just miss him during our busy days! But it's so freeing to put a baby down awake and let them fall asleep for a good nap in the same spot every day. It's going to make his sleeping on the go a little less easy but it's still way more time back overall. He's such a sweetheart!

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