Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stomach Bugs & Trip Prep

Westin started our week with throwing up during the night on Sunday. The poor cute kid didn't even come get us, and threw up three times. He said, "I was just too tired, I couldn't get you." Broke my heart! I totally remember being so sick that I threw up and didn't go get my parents. This was back when Ali shared a room with me, so, she had the unfortunate fate of discovering that situation.

So, Monday we watched more TV than has ever been watched in a day around here. And I disinfected, and disinfected, and disinfected. I didn't let Westin touch a thing. I fought germs all day. We had road trip plans coming up and getting sick was not an option! He threw up for 12 hours, felt pretty sick the next 12, and then was back to normal. On Thursday a boy at school threw up, so... something's going around. And we were determined to not catch it!

Michael had a busy week, which was too bad, because we were about to go our separate ways on road trips and work trips, so we missed him.

Bennett had a hearing test this week. I obviously wanted the results to be great, but there was a small part of me that wanted a solid explanation for why this kid is just so LOUD. But, he hears perfectly. He's just loud. But we can check that box in his speech therapy journey and move on with helping his annunciation. He was adorable at the speech office. He did the hearing test with the audiologist without me even being in the room, while I rocked sleeping Camden in his car seat, while Westin played with toys in the waiting room. I sometimes feel frazzled, but other times I feel extremely grateful that I have good kids and we are in this together. 

No one else got sick this week, car is packed by 8pm, and whenever I wake up feeling rested (whether that's 3am or 6am or somewhere between) we are hitting the road for our first full drive day with three kids + mom!

Sick Day Set Up

All about that BRAT diet today.

Took a good nap in the guest room to keep Bennett away from the germs.

Kitty needs more Michael time in her life. My lap is always taken.

Waiting for audiology results.
These boys were so, so good at the audiologist appointment and at the ENT follow up after.

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