Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

I skipped blogging last week and it is solely because I no longer know what day of the week it is.

My friend texted me to check in one day and I said, "Our day has been hard, but we've had a good week." And she said, "I don't know if I should tell you this... but it's Monday." I had no idea it was Monday.

The days are running together, getting mixed up, some are long and the weeks are somehow short. We are living in limbo thanks to COVID and finishing our time here so soon, but we're enjoying this slow time together.

We are getting better at being content with the slow, patient during the stay at home days, and happy with the little things that break up the routine. One day we went on a walk that felt extra fun because we saw multiple bunnies, multiple construction vehicles working, 7 (count 'em, Westin did) garbage trucks, and one even honked and waved. When we were close to home Westin said, "This is the best walk of my life." And it was just a sweet moment to me to see him just soak up something that we do EVERY day during a time that we do very little exciting things. It's still happy to him. We have a good life. On that same walk halfway through I noticed that Bennett's bike helmet was totally folding/pinching his ear. He had complained zero times, not even acknowledged it, and was just loving his walk. That is Bennett. I stopped him and fixed it and he gave me a cute "Tank Vu Mama!" and was on his way, just as content as before. Kids are such good examples when you just look for their good.

My boys have also started being braver about when they see a bug or spider, which I LOVE, and it's partly because they think it's super fun to flush it. So if we spot a bug, they grab a tissue, grab the bug, and run to the toilet together. Then they both make bug-dying sound effects as it flushes. Bennett in particular always says, "Noooo, I want my mama dada Noooo!" which is borderline tragic but also just really funny.

Like I said. We're looking real hard for the exciting moments around here lately.

Pictures for the rest because it's all random these days!

Marcel came around! She's a shy thing.

A Christmas Tree! So many magnet creations always.

A shot from "the best walk of my life" as Westin described it.

Sitting up and being so big.

This, you guys, is the face of our earliest Daddy's boy.
He's already soooo into Michael.
I held onto Westin for 12 months. Bennett is still mine... haha, and Camden is daddy's boy already.
Who wakes up when you cry, Cam Cam? Who feeds you?
Doesn't matter. Heart eyes for daddy.

I panic purchased this little bundle type thing for a swaddle transition during one of our 3am hours-long crying sessions the other night. I don't regret it. He really likes it. Though he still cries in the night sometimes after I feed him, so...
I don't know. Does anyone know what they're doing with kids and sleep?
Because I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about this but Camden's giving me a run for my money.

But it makes him look like a starfish/seal/worm and we just laugh and laugh together about it.

Oh I love these two.

Such a thoughtful plate of cookies. We love the Coombs.

"Look mom, we built a temple!"
Gotta love that dinosaur Moroni.

We took this sign and treat around to all the primary kids.
Before we left I stuck one in our yard and put a treat out for Westin and Bennett.
When we got home they were SO excited to see it, even though they'd just seen me pass out almost 30 of them.
I just loved that easy-to-please, happy kiddo attitude. Cuties.

Mother's Day Illustrations

For some reason Bennett kept showing his speech therapist his foot during their last speech session.
I finally realized that he was trying to show her an ouchie he has on his ankle,
so once that was established he stopped haha.

These cute boys.
This is COVID time.
Westin and Bennett played with Westin's bestie from school on Zoom for almost 2 hours.
They played legos, and magnets, and talked and laughed and talked and laughed.
At one point Westin said, "I don't know what I'm making, but my imagination is going somewhere!"
This was their whole quiet time that day and they were all in heaven. It was both heart-melting and heart-breaking. What a strange time.

Also, that hat.
My dad gave it to Michael a while back because he never wore it.
Bennett found it and wears it constantly now, and it totally fits him.
He even sleeps in it. I went in one night to take him to the bathroom, and he was still wearing it.
When I tucked him back to bed, he said, "Love you mama", turned over, put his hat back on, and fell right asleep.
So. stinkin. cute.

"Mom, Kitty is liking me! Take a picture!"

Trail mix time.

Our neighbor's cat was spying on them and they thought it was sooo funny.

This is here so that I can remember our 10-year Jerusalem reunion we had on Zoom this weekend.
We were in that Zoom room with 40+ people for THREE HOURS.
And it was SO FUN the whole time. Oh my goodness, the love I have for those people and those months.
Nothing can describe it. It both left me with such joy and such a nostalgic funk.
That feels like a lifetime ago and so surreal. Sharing that with Michael is such a happy bonus of this marriage of ours.
Marrying Michael was the best best thing I've ever done. Going to Jerusalem is up there too.
And they're pretty closely connected :)

Mother's Day Lemon Chia pancakes. Michael is a pancake artist :)

We had a sweet drive through mother's day at church,
with brunch, a musical number, and a treat from our bishopric. It was really sweet.

I love that "It really bugs my mom when I..." is blank.
I read the questions out loud with Westin this morning and after that one he said,
"I didn't like that one. I didn't write anything."
I thought that was so cute. I hope he never feels like something he does really bugs me.
Mother's Day with these boys was really fun. I'm so grateful for them.
He also gave me the cutest coupon book,
which was one of those moments where I felt like a legit mom.
I remember gifting a lot of coupon books in my day :)

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