Sunday, July 26, 2020

Kitchen & Katie's

Painting these kitchen cabinets has been significantly more exhausting than I ever predicted.
I knew it would be a lot of work, but it is just so incredibly tedious and time-consuming. I am so grateful for Michael's parents help. They hand-painted the base coat of every single door before the spray layers. Entertained the boys for hours. Sanded so much. Sally measured all my shelves and cut all the liner. Ed hung all the doors back up. They helped us out so much this week, all while my kids were thrilled to have grandparent time. Sally helped me (emotionally, mentally, and physically) with my paint sprayer, and plus they have already explored way more of Fort Collins' bike trails than we have, thanks to their early morning rides! It was so much fun to have them here and I am just blown away at how much quicker this project went because of their willingness to come help us.

Rachel and Spencer have been spending a couple months in the states instead of quarantining in their London apartment, and they decided to extend their trip a little and come out to Colorado. So this weekend we all went down to meet up with them at Katie's house. Cousin play time is the best! We also got to see Rachel's baby when Katie did an ultrasound for her and that was SO fun. Such a tiny sweet little person in there! Pregnancy is crazy.

We've met a few more neighbors, talked to a few people from church, Michael's first week of work went really well, and we're just feeling happy to feel like this is all going to be a good fit! Putting a house together is a process and I'm anxious to get things knocked off my list, but it's already coming together much faster than I anticipated thanks to help from our families.

Frame done, shelves lined -- almost ready to unpack!

Coming together!

Sweet Camden. Such a happy, hungry boy!

I boiled all the hinges in vinegar/water for an hour, then scrubbed each one.
Forty years peeled away and they were quite shiny again.

Sprayer time!
That machine is intimidating.

Spray painted the hinges and enough knobs for the drawers to be oil-rubbed bronze.


Grandma took the boys to parks and on walks for hours and hours this week.

Grandpa and Westin rode to Sprouts to find some delicious fruit.
Westin has decided to try and ride his big bike before they visit again so "I can keep up with Grandpa when we go to Sprouts, because he's FAST! And Sprouts has the best fruit for me."

This kid and Connect Four -- he takes it very seriously.
And if you don't also take it seriously, he'll beat you.
Also note his multiple treasure maps that he keeps drawing.

Cabinets are back on!!!

Next up: Install handles, paint the kitchen window black, then paint the walls.
Then new lights in a little while.

My little Cam Cam.

His hands are always going!

Cousins catching some Pixar shorts!
Westin and Jack wore those pirate/knight costumes all weekend.

A little walk around the lake.
Jack kept calling Westin "my cousin" and I love seeing them all play.

Bennett looks like he was made for the lounging life.

Sunday naps and nature shows! While all the moms went to see Rachel's baby at the hospital!
Katie did an ultrasound for her and it was so fun.

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