Monday, January 4, 2021

Bittersweet Farewell to 2020

 Happy New Year!

I have always loved a shiny new year and this one seemed like a particular milestone for all of us. But I couldn't help but look back at all the sweet parts of 2020 that I really, truly am grateful for. There were plenty of days that the no-school situation was (SO) hard, but also lots of moments that I felt so happy my boys were under my roof with me. Our move and house hunt were a little trickier with Covid restrictions, but we look back at the way things all played out and feel incredibly grateful for where we landed, in terms of the city, neighborhood, job, everything. I was able to spend so much time during the first half of this year healing from Camden's pregnancy, starting and finishing braces, working out consistently for the first time in a while, and feeling like I'd finally figured out a routine that let me take care of both myself and my family. Then we moved, and all that time went to painting, which was still a blessing -- we were home, I wasn't being pulled in a million directions, and I was able to spend six months getting all my painting list done (except for you, laundry room -- maybe you'll get some attention next year!) All while helping my boys with school. It was not my favorite time at some moments (these moments were usually found when painting past 11pm or being mid-paint project and needing to stop multiple times to wipe multiple bums... life's most glamorous moments), but I look back with such gratitude that we were able to get as much done that we did and go into this next year focusing on some other things.

I loved visiting Fort Collins in the spring with Michael and meeting the Orr family. I was so grateful to have Michael's parents with us during our cabinet painting this summer. Being with family for both Thanksgiving AND Christmas felt like such a luxury, and it's so fun to see kids with cousins. There will always be a sweet and simple element to 2020 that I know I'll look back on often when my life looks really different down the road. What a year.

This week was a good one -- we saw lots of Michael, had a fun New Years Eve of appetizers and fireworks (on the TV in Dubai) with the boys, went on a walk at a natural area nearby, played in the snow, took down Christmas, and just enjoyed not having any online school or places to be.

Michael has started studying for his boards next week and it's giving us both flashbacks of how much studying he did during dental school. We're both rusty -- we need nights full of snacks and shows, not separate projects. But I've been working on a big cross stitch, plus I started a one-time side project of transcribing a podcast that takes a feminist reading of Come Follow Me, so it's been fun to feel like I'm getting paid to review the Book of Mormon through a different perspective. 

Apart from that, I'm doing a lot to gear up with Kindal for our Kickstarter video and website and Instagram and all the things that are coming along with starting a small business. Our books are coming soon! We're so anxious to see them in person. 

We were about to take down Christmas today but then we got so much snow, 
so we decided to drink hot chocolate and watch the Grinch instead.
Christmas decorations need some snow time to go with them!

Bennett made snowballs for hours.
I love how much both boys love the Christmas gift that the other picked out for them.

You know they ambushed daddy when he got home.

Working on climbing those stairs,
and pulling himself up on things this week!

Snow cones with real snow, Westin's idea :)

Camden never lets me play the piano solo for too long -- he's always scooting right over to make it a duet. It's so, so happy to have this piano with us.

We were blown away by our Fresno neighbors' kindness. They sent us a package with treats and Christmas gifts.

Bennett got a big garbage truck because they said they miss seeing them come outside every Wednesday to watch the garbage man. People are so nice.

Peeking at me on our walk!

Appetizers for dinner is probably my favorite meal of the year.

If you're looking at this thinking, "that's too many mozzarella sticks..."
then you need to reevaluate your priorities.

Our neighbors brought us a cute New Year's Eve package with noisemakers and cute glasses and treats. The boys were so excited. We counted down at 6:48pm... :)

We had a "meet and greet" with a dog that chased Kitty through our yard and she went straight up to the top of this tree in 2.5 seconds. It was pretty impressive.

First stair climb!

Michael's assistant brought in another monster avocado from her home in Florida.
These things are amazing.

Exploring during daddy's time off

Brooklyn came over for an hour this week to work on getting Camden used to her.
The next day he went to our neighbor's with the boys but he didn't last long...
cried for 10 minutes and she brought him home to us.
He's such a Covid baby, stranger danger to the most extreme.

First dog sitting in Colorado. We thought the boys would love it,
but these aren't the most fun dogs.

Michael has reentered study life,
with boards coming up next Monday.

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