Sunday, October 17, 2021

Planes, Soccer, Pumpkins, Etc.

We had a pretty routine week over here! Got the boys in for well checks on Wednesday plus flu shots all around. Westin has a hard time gearing up for shots, and for some reason Bennett feeds off of this energy and takes it to the opposite extreme. At one point he laid out on the exam table with his arms straight up over his head and said, "I'm so excited for my SHOTS!" I don't think Westin appreciated it much. But Bennett did get three shots total because of turning 5, and he didn't love that. Then he limped around for two days after since he tensed up so much for the experience and it had us all seeing him like Tiny Tim. Of anyone in our family, "God bless us, every one!" would definitely come out of Bennett's mouth, so it was pitifully fitting. It's good to see him running around again. Bennett is thinning out and Westin is really tall too, they're exactly 4 ft (Westin) and 3.5 ft (Bennett) and both weigh almost 50 pounds. 

We finally got Camden his big boy underwear after our usual solid 6 weeks of commando time to really solidify potty training. He screams bloody murder when we try to put them on him and took his pair of firetruck underwear that I thought was a big reward for him and tried to throw it out the door. So, another commando trip to church it was. I went to nursery with him instead of Michael, and I'm way less fun right now since I didn't participate in ring around the rosie or the outdoor walk or basically anything, and he did just fine without me by his side. It's getting close to time to just let him cry when we leave him in there and I think he'll be just fine after a little while. Hopefully. But then in a few weeks I'll take a break from church for a while for baby time, and he'll never let Michael drop him off without staying.... soo, we'll see.

Soccer was not our best time on Saturday. Bennett experimented with playing with his eyes closed for a while (it doesn't work well), and Westin hurt his ankle a little bit and let it keep him from playing for too long because mostly he was just annoyed at how bad they were losing. He has come a long way with being a good sport, but kid still has his limits. Next Saturday is our last practice and game and I'm hoping we go out on a higher note... But it's been fun to have them do something new together. 

Church was smoother than other Sundays today and I was grateful for that. I don't know what time church is next year and I don't even want to know, because there's no good time for that first year of a baby's life when they nap all the time and their naps change all the time. I can't help but look forward already to 2023 -- we'll be down to one nap for good at the first of that year, which is totally manageable, and then done with naps for good just a little while after that. Keeping your family going and happy and active while getting your littlest ones the rest and sleep they need is a stressful thing for me and I can't help but start to look toward the days when we can just go on a full day adventure and it's not big thing -- which isn't too fair because this #4 little dude hasn't even gotten here yet :) But it feels close. We'll have done 10 solid years of napping by the time he finishes up, so being 3 years away sounds like an achievement. Kind of like when I add up what pregnancy week I'm in by combining all 4 of my pregnancies instead of looking at this one. So instead of being 36 weeks today, I'm actually 156/160 weeks pregnant. And that is some serious home stretch perspective right there.

Westin started side breathing in swimming lessons this week so it's fun to see him swim about half the length of the pool doing freestyle. He needs a person or a wall when he gets to where he's going, so not quite water safe, but making awesome progress. And Bennett floated by himself for the first time which is big progress for this cutie. Swimming lessons are getting darker and colder on Tuesday nights -- feels like the season changed so fast. Mornings feel extra dark too, and Camden has been waking up between 5:55 and 6:15 every day. He only has eyes for daddy in the morning and wants nothing to do with me even if I go get him, so I feel guilty and lucky about that... Michael is so sweet to get up with him and have an early breakfast with him every day lately. He definitely has a little buddy.

My books are still in the big dock traffic jam in California, and there are not enough truck drivers or trucks available for all the cargo coming in, so they're going to be put on a train to Salt Lake and go through customs there. It's been a journey... we hope we have them before Thanksgiving at this point. I'm glad we ordered a ton of them because I'm not anxious to start this process again soon. We'll either have a hopping Christmas season and order again before Easter, or we ordered enough to get us through both winter and spring holiday seasons, and both have pros and cons. 

Three weeks to baby.

Pregnancy purchases lately... we're getting into desperate times.

My cousin sent me some pictures of my grandparents I haven't seen before.

My grandpa, second from the left.

My grandpa, second from the left.

My grandpa, center

My grandparents are in the center, holding the baby and toddler.
My mom is standing behind my grandma in the polka dot dress with short dark hair.
They all just look so beautiful to me!

Alllllmost counts as wearing your glasses.

Caught some air show after soccer!

Michael took the boys back out to catch the Blue Angels while me and Camden took naps :)

We finally cashed in on Westin's mutton bustin' Culver's money and he thought it was pretty fun to get a kids meal and ice cream out of the experience. He's ready to ride again.

Early morning cartoons this weekend -- which we never do,
but these earlier and earlier wake ups are desperate times.

Westin started building next level Lego creations this week without looking at the books they come with and I loved it. 

Harvested their pumpkins from the garden!
They both are such a cute shape.

Bedtime books from the library were all about planes this week.
We watched movies about the Wright Brothers and had fun seeing planes practice for the air show all week before catching some of it on Saturday.


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