Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ready for Christmas Break

We are ready for Christmas break!

Bennett was home all week doing virtual school because of a Covid case in his class. Westin loved his Friday pajama day and holiday party, but REALLY loved receiving a Shining Star award from his teacher on Thursday for the value Respecting Others. Such a little stud and we love him. Camden is still his dad's sidekick, but he slept through the night 4 times this week which is 4 times more than the other weeks since we've brought home Asher, sooo he's extra cute right now. Asher had a SUPER good night one night this week, and struggled through the others, but a conversation with my friend Becca helped the struggle seem a little more sacred and a little less tired. We still tired :)

Michael is studying away. I'm keeping my head above water and soaking in the now while dreaming of less crazy days and nights. We made our annual toffee plus a new kind of cookie, and the boys played outside more than we ever expected to be able to play outside in December. Weird weather but we'll take the bonus playtime. My sweet neighbor drove Westin to school in the mornings and picked him up with Bennett in the afternoons. I worried so much about getting through the rest of the school weeks before Christmas break with tiny Asher and I just look back at all the help I had with that with so much gratitude. 

Now we have two weeks to take it easy more, fight more, watch TV more, bake more, enjoy each other more, go a little more crazy, and just try to find the magic amid the chaos. Because it's for sure there! This stage is incredibly busy but when I look at all my Christmas cards coming in from friends I love so, so much, and their kids are so much bigger than when I last saw them, it really does make me choke up. These sweet little people are figuring out so many things, and helping them is a big job. I love these boys with my whole heart.

Here we go into Christmas break!

I get a brown paper bag out every single time I make toffee. It always needs to cook longer than I think it does, and the bag keeps me stirring :)

Ali gifted me a Lillie Eats and Tells Crunchwrap book and some wraps for a postpartum gift and I just love her for it. Lunch looks a lot better when I put effort into it but it's hard to do these days!

Warm enough to send them outside with their peanut butter and honey lunch so there's less crumbs inside :)

Our Shining Star boy

He was so excited about this award. Such a cute first grader.

My favorite night this week was when Asher and I skipped big kid bedtime,
and cuddled by the fire and Christmas tree. So sweet of Michael to put the kids to bed without me so I can have these sweet moments.

Tender mercy when Asher fell asleep in this chair for the first time while I was cutting the boys hair.
Oh those haircuts.

Snowmen String Cheese for Westin's class party

Nursing sessions often involve a lot of little boys and a lot of books.

This corner of my house usually remains untouched by my kids,
so when I eat a little sweet treat after lunch I like to come in here and eat it...
less stress for a minute :)

Santa hat day at school.

Rosie found the book at Deseret Book!
I've LOVED loved loved messages from friends finding my book during this season.
This has been a big goal for a long time and it makes me so happy right now.

So many creations at school...
this is a director's camera.

Bennett is so sweet to Asher. And to everyone.

Camden wanted in on virtual school.

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