Sunday, July 16, 2023

Taylor Swift!

 This week was a great week! This weekend though.... this was a really great weekend :)

Westin did an acting camp this week put on by some young women in our church group, and he loved being the narrator of Wizard of Oz. He was super cute and it was fun to see him try and love something new. He also did a swim meet Saturday, his last one. He said he is so excited for swim team next year and I just will forever remember the journey that was Westin's first summer of swim team. Riding lots of highs and lows with that boy through life.

The boys wanted to celebrate 7/11 at 7-11 since last year I thought it felt too impossible. I was thinking on the drive home with my slurpee how much difference a year can make. Taking all four boys to get a slurpee was no big thing this year where last year I just didn't want to even think about unloading them all and doing that by myself. Don't get me wrong, they're still crazy! But we're managing a little better :)

We did some more Luna classes this week, took the younger three to an outdoor library story time while Westin was at camp, did a ton of resettling into our basement now that it's done, and I went to the temple Thursday night while Michael took the boys to swimming lessons.

On Friday my roommate Jaclyn came into town with her husband! I haven't seen her in close to 10 years. We had so much fun catching up and I loved meeting her new husband. She brought bubbles for the boys (and Luna, haha) and we made bracelets for our concert weekend together. I just love her so much.

Then, TAYLOR SWIFT weekend! This weekend has been making me happy for months, just knowing it was on my calendar. I tried for hours to get tickets the day they released but Ticketmaster kicked me out of the purchase screen every time I tried. I tried seats all over the stadium, all day, and just never was successful. I was so bummed that week. Then a few days later, they emailed and said I could get 2 tickets still if I wanted, I just needed to respond to the email. YES, please. Then they emailed back a receipt for FOURTH row tickets and I was shocked. We paid a few hundred each, which I understand is pretty crazy for a concert, but our same seats are currently selling for over $18,000 each at her LA shows. We were so, so lucky to have such a fun experience right by her center stage! We snagged stadium parking a while back, so the day was pretty smooth. We stood in a merch line for an hour this time because in Dallas I had given up on it. I actually really love my sweatshirt souvenir now haha... this tour has just become such an iconic pop culture experience. We met up with Jaclyn for a few minutes to take a picture, grabbed some tacos, and then found our seats. Holy moly, those seats! Michael unfortunately sat next to a real life version of The Man from Taylor Swift's music video (not a funny, humorous costume version -- but those were there too) and I sat next to the cutest new mom who has been to every Taylor Swift show with her mom. She was from Dallas but had her first baby the same week as that show so they'd gotten tickets to Denver instead, and we had so much fun sitting by each other. That night!

I put up a YouTube video of a little snippet of each of her songs that night and my kids were loving it. It got close to four thousand views in a couple days and then got taken down for copyright issues with the music, whoops! But here's a Google photos link to it because I need to relive that once in a while. AND I need to delete all those videos off my phone. :) Best night. Our surprise songs were Starlight and Back to December, which was so happy. Do I look at LA ticket prices every day? I do. Is that crazy? It is. It was so fun to go with Michael. Top 5 date nights ever hands down :)

No one likes a messy baby food picture BUT I have next to none of these, because he does not like anything. For some reason he loved this dinner. It was the same dinner we had the night before, which he also hated then. We've had the same dinner since and he was meh about it. We'll get there :)

Not my picture but how I wish it was! Ali sent this to me and said, "This is what happens when you tell dad you kind of want a cookie." Haha I love him so much.

Asher loves a brother holding his hand for a walk.

Lighten Print warehouse reorganized!

I love a good recycling trip. I consolidated so much into our new built ins and emptied a lot of storage space.

Temple night. I love how close we are.

Sunday night walk with Westin and Luna. We walked for over an hour and I loved hearing him chat about lots of things.

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