Sunday, August 27, 2023

Broncos, Barbie, Boy Life

First full week of school, the boys loved it. A little update on everyone:

Michael: is in the Elders Quorum presidency now, misses working with the youth but enjoys who he works with now, too. He had a lot of his call time stacked together earlier this year, a slower summer of call, and another busy call season coming up. His office is always so much busier in the summers than any other time, so September is about to be kind of a slow down for him. He got a crew together to play tennis last Saturday and went out this Saturday to practice serving. He took Westin to a Broncos preseason game on Saturday night and Westin was so unbelievably happy and excited about it.

Maddie: went to my first Young Womens activity, a get-to-know-you night. This is a big change for me! I'm excited to get to know the girls. I also feel like I haven't related to teenagers since I was one, here we go. :) I loved our date night this week, to dinner and Barbie. I haven't stopped thinking about that movie since watching it and it was beautifully done. I have a ton of pictures at the end of this post with thoughts about it and posts/comments about it because I just want to remember how this movie made me feel when I first saw it. I haven't been so moved emotionally by a movie in I don't know how long.

Westin: highlight was for sure the Broncos game. He started piano with a teacher that's not me this week, and did a great job at his first lesson. He's loving third grade, LOVING playing flag football with one of his friends on a city team, and wants to go to school early every day to eat breakfast there. Second breakfast. He's a hobbit.

Bennett: is loving first grade. He keeps saying school is the best ever, and he got ready for school both Saturdays and Sundays since school started and was a little deflated when we realized what was happening and broke the news that there was no school that day. He loved when their babysitter came Friday night for our date night, he loves playing with her so much.

Camden: Didn't seem to miss the big kids too much this week, he loves playing with Asher. He's constantly playing with his Nugget furniture. Constantly. They're pretty much animals with it and it's hilarious and kind of a ticking time bomb. Actually he did bite his tongue and made it bleed a lot this week when jumping around on it, so, bomb went off already. But ticking again daily. 

Asher: Finally got a haircut today, he got out of the last two haircut rounds because I ended up doing them while Michael was at work and he's still a two-to-one ratio for haircuts, I can't do it by myself. But we cut his hair together today and he's looking fresh. He only eats carbs. And not even the good ones. Loves his socks and shoes, loves going on walks, loves petting Luna from the stroller while on those walks, and loves toast. So much.

I love FaceTiming this little angel Annie. I need to see her again!

This was cracking me up. Camden had no concept how this teeter totter worked but was having fun with his friend Wesley, who was doing all the work. Camden was just kind of shimmying forward and backward fully thinking he was helping it move too, but his feet never touched the ground. It made me laugh to watch them, both content with the situation haha.

Not sure how much longer I'll have this view when it's time to go get his brothers. I love it.

Worst errand helper ever!
Haha this is us registering our new car,
and Asher let his voice be HEARD in that office.

Loveland sweet corn festival! Delicious.

They had a Barbie and Ken photo booth there, which was fitting because we finally saw it the night before. I have been thinking about it nonstop.

Asher is good at lounging on our big pit sectional downstairs. Also loves being flipped onto it by daddy. Also loves rolling around on it. But sometimes he lounges.

Westin's life was made on Saturday night with some preseason Broncos tickets.
He was in heaven.

Loves stuffies. I love him.

He said cheese behind the wolf and thought it was so funny.

This is kind of ridiculous but I was so moved by the Barbie movie this week and even MORE moved by conversations I had about it after some of those being on Instagram, so I'm putting these screenshots here for my own memory.

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