Monday, September 9, 2024

Grandma and Grandpa Week

We loved having Grandma and Grandpa Miner here this week! Everyone was home on Labor Day, and we had a nice morning playing over at Shepardson and going out for Thai food that night. I'll always remember cute Asher having a love-hate relationship with the spicy food. He'd take a bite, then stick his tongue out and say, "Get it out!" Then he'd ask for more. Or he'd say "I'm going to wait for 'dis to cool off!" Even though it was only spice hot and not heat hot haha. It was so cute. He handled it pretty well, actually!

Camden started school the next day! Another year with the same school, same teacher, but lots more kids in his class. I'm glad he's doing one more year of preschool before kindergarten. He's such a cutie and was so excited to go.

My parents were a little blown away by how busy our afternoons are around here. We're in a busy 6 weeks during Westin's football season but he's loving it. 

Friday was my dad's birthday! We loved making lasagna for him and molten chocolate cake, then we walked to the Collindale Golf Course for their family night and watched the fireworks. Felt like a very fitting ending to the birthday celebrations :) We were so happy we got to celebrate grandpa that day.

Saturday we had our annual stake party, in a new spot out in Timnath this year. The boys loved the splash pad and huge dessert table and the volleyball set ups. They were having a blast the whole time. Camden especially loved his Batman face paint that he talked me into getting like 20 minutes before we went home haha. A short stint as Batman that night, but he loved it.

On Sunday we had the Lewis's over for dinner and I made pumpkin chili, which always feels like a kickoff to Fall -- even though it's still solidly high 80s over here.... We'll get there :)

Taking the alley shortcut to Labor Day Thai food

Ordered some fish tacos at Westin's restaurant at the school playground,
this was quite well prepared :)

Went on a walk with just Asher because Camden stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa.
This was his first time cruising and waiting for me solo and he did so great.
I loved this moment -- he came to this corner we come to every.single.morning. and pointed the opposite way of home and said, 'This way??" Haha it's a good thing two-year-olds have supervision.

First day back at his preschool!

Library story time.
I jokingly turned around after a song with lots of complicated hand actions to say to my dad, "I did it!" Only to see him also doing it and in full seriousness reply, "I did it too!!" Haha I love him.

Quite the builders!
Another little boy came and kicked this all down and Camden just quietly rebuilt it without a single complaint or angry moment. He impresses me so much sometimes.

Also impressive is this kid who found an empty notebook and decided to write a page full of each math concept he knows about, just for fun haha. #oldestchild

Mooching a cupcake from the birthday party Camden was at.

They actually play Sleeping Queens pretty well and I love it.

Hugs good night to Grandpa!

Took Grandma and Grandpa downtown to the spice store. I love that little shop.

Fireworks on Grandpa's birthday!

Asher keeps such a tight leash on Michael... I did trick him away for about 20 minutes so Michael could actually talk to someone, but that was the best I could do!

Haha he just loved this.

Saying goodbye to Grandpa. Westin loves his jokes and talking with him.

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