Sunday, September 1, 2024

Grandparents again!

We're hitting our stride -- Westin is in football and piano, Bennett is in a reading class and swimming, Camden is in soccer and swimming, and Asher keeps up and gets seriously speedy on his Strider bike.

I had Back to School Night for the older 3 this week, and I think it's going to feel pretty crazy when all four of these kiddos are in the public school system. But we're a couple years away from that still. On Thursday I took Westin to see Harry Potter 5 at the movie theater because one of our theaters here was playing each Harry Potter movie throughout the week just for fun. We recently finished the 5th book so it was fun to see it on the big screen. But also, I hate those movies. But I do love being with Westin and it was fun doing that with him! The books are so good... how are the movies so bad...

My parents came into town this weekend and the boys were so excited for them to get here. We hung out with them on Saturday, took them to the CSU Gardens, and a neighborhood barbecue on Sunday. Westin recited all 13 Articles of Faith for us on Sunday before we had his big huge cookie treat from his Primary Presidency. They've been cute about motivating the kids to conquer that goal and Westin has some memorizing skills. I need to brush up on those!

My favorite quote this week was when we watched a Blue Angels documentary on Disney, and Camden, who has a long list of things he's going to be when he grows up, said, "Is it crazy I'm going to be a Blue Angel someday? But wait! When I die, how will I do all my other things?" Haha he could tell those Blue Angels were pulling some impressive stunts. 

Such a cool kid I get to put down for naps :)

I wonder how long he actually left these on haha.

The shades with the shirt, it's just a vibe.

Listening to some Yoto stories.
Camden is really into that lately.

Loved this glimpse of Westin at Back to School Night

Walking his dog to school. 
They're both getting so big.

Just waiting for those 5-year-old shots, cute guy.
He was so brave about it.

I love that they watch shows all together now. It's just so cute.

I loved these! The CSU Gardens are always so fun to walk around each year.

Fun to take both sets of grandparents here this month, we feel lucky when we get to have them here!

These cute little sister squirrels were still pretty little and just so funny together.

That feeling when you regret going across the zipline but what's done is done.

An Articles of Faith cake for Westin! He memorized all 13 and his Primary President makes them this when they reach that goal.

Hahahaha this made me laugh for so long.

He really nailed that pose.

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