Sunday, June 23, 2024

Girls Camp & Summer Days

I've been talking with Kindal's good friend in St. George a lot and we keep mentioning how strange it feels to do our routine things when life has changed so much so quickly for Kindal. She was on my mind through all of this week.

The drive home from Utah on Sunday was smooth, and sad. I spent the drive kind of coordinating if I'd even be able to get up to Girls Camp or not since my parents were now not coming. I had originally planned on going the full three days, but ended up just going up and back the middle day thanks to a friend kindly watching my boys the whole time Michael was at work.

Being at girls camp was good for my soul. I was so impressed with those girls. They led the camp, ran the camp, took care of each other, were so good to each other, and everyone had such a good time. I just really felt lucky to be there with them. And it was very good for me to unplug for a day. I have been on my phone so much talking with so many people about Kindal, coordinating lots of things, and just feeling lost. Unplugging really was a good reset.

On Friday we celebrated the Strawberry Moon with strawberry milkshakes on the Gregorys' roof, with the Behunins too. The clouds didn't get the memo but the night was still so fun. We went on a bike ride around the neighborhood after in the dark, with glow sticks on, and my boys thought it was so fun.

Saturday was our first swim meet of the season, early morning and long time at the pool. I did seeding all day and luckily Michael didn't end up having to do the timing he signed up for, so he was Asher duty. Then he took them all to a primary activity while I finished up volunteering, and the boys had a totally great time having water balloon fights and games with a lot of guys from our ward. Multiple sweet older men told me the next day that they sure had a lot of fun with my kids, which I correctly interpreted as my kids got them super wet and were relentless. Bless good friends.

 Saturday night we watched Monsters Inc. on the big screen in the CSU stadium and the boys thought that was pretty cool. My favorite part was that fake turf has no real bugs :) A summer night out with no mosquito bites?? Unheard of.

Sunday night we did a potluck with our neighborhood -- our street, the next street over, and a few other random houses around. We have such a nice neighborhood crew. The best part was that while we were chatting, Camden just up and taught himself how to ride his pedal bike. What?? Michael had tried to teach him the day before, I had tried that day, and he was just not into us teaching him at all. But then we look over and he's just kicking down the street on it like it's a balance bike, then he's just pedaling. What a stud.

Life always pauses for garbage truck sightings.

These cuties keep giving me extra hugs and kisses when they notice I'm sad.
My heart is with Kindal, and they are just so sweet to share so much love.

These girls. They were so amazing at Girls Camp. 
So good to each other, so good at leading camp. I admire them so much.

Friendship bracelets!
If only we were making them for a Taylor Swift concert.
That tour needs to wrap up so I can wrap up my FOMO :)

That missing front tooth look!
Benny boy is getting bigger.

If my kids look miserably hot it's because they are.
But I made them go to an outdoor piano concert with me.
Next time we'll get there earlier to get some shade!

So hot, but still so sweet.

They were back in good spirits with a little AC and a trip to the car wash.

We rolled out of bed Saturday morning and walked straight over to the boys' swim meet.
Those 6:45 call times, man... But I mean, we're up anyway :) Haha it just still sounds so early.

Bennett's first meet! Westin was pretty nervous for his first meet of the season but he did great.

Westin asked me to take this picture of him in front of the football stadium and send it to Dallin Holker :) He's a forever fan!

Monsters Inc. on the stadium field.
I love that movie. And I love that there were zero bugs because it's turf and not grass.

Camden just up and teaching himself to ride a pedal bike during our neighborhood dinner.

We have a good crew of neighbors.
It's hard to get together but we did a Sunday dinner outside and it was fun to catch up with everyone.

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