Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Great Flood of 2024

This week... fun times and not so fun times!

We caught up on things at the beginning of the week, then Kelbre watched the younger boys Wednesday while we took the older to down to Denver to meet cousins and go to dinner and Frozen. Such a fun night out with them! They really loved the show. We hit some serious traffic on the way down so getting there was a little stressful but I laughed noticing how Westin and Bennett felt zero stress. It's good to be a kid.

Thursday we went out with two other couples for dinner and trivia night. But one round of questions in and we got a call from our babysitter that we never get a call from... she told me that there had been a flood in our half bath on our main level and there was about an inch of water through the entryway, hall, bathroom, into our piano room... she was putting the younger two to bed upstairs while the toilet just ran and ran. We rushed home, her mom had helped clean up the water that was there, but we knew it was totally wet where we couldn't see. The guy who installed our flooring quickly sent me a contact for someone that does flood repair, and he came out that night and pulled off baseboards and some floorboards up and drilled some drywall out of our ceiling basement so we could get fans going all those places all weekend. Sooooo painful, in so many ways. We were chatting about kids (he has 5 around our same ages) and I told him our second kiddo caused the flood. He said, "My second would've been the one to do it too." Haha birth order, man. We hope we can get our house put together before we take off to Florida but my hopes aren't very high.

On Friday we met a few other families at the park and the kids all ran around while we all took turns playing pickleball. I loved seeing lots of friends that night, summer has felt so fast and busy. Asher took a football hard to the head that night and Meg got her leg stuck in the playground railing, but, those were the only casualties :)

Saturday was our second (and last!) swim meet of the summer, and the boys really had fun doing their races. Camden did not have fun being a spectator for almost 3 hours. Many snacks were had. Then Saturday night we had the same babysitter from Flood Night (brave girl!) and went to play pickleball and eat dinner with the Dimonds. We had so many fun plans this week because it felt like we'd all been traveling all of June and now we're all back in town. I loved catching up with Colby and Diane.

Sunday we watched lots of Euro Cup and Copa América games, then made rolls and salad for a ward linger longer. We had a little incident at the end of linger longer that will forever instantly remind me how much work four little kids are, and I won't write it out here because someday they'll be four big humans... but when I read this, I'll always remember. Sometimes Michael and I just literally look at each other and say, "What is our life?" But we also say it out of love :)

The day after he taught himself to ride his bike, he couldn't wait to get back on it.
He rode it up and down our street for literal hours. Probably over four.

Ice cream after dinner, but protect it from the dog at all costs.

Bike to work day!
Even thought none of these people are going to work today.
But will ride for Chick-Fil-A sandwiches.

Camden's face was being particularly dramatic about this haircut,
but he wasn't whining or complaining at all,
and the combo was just making me laugh.

Asher's curls! He skipped the last couple haircut rounds because I just love them.
But, he was so sweaty after all his bike rides.
Time for a fresh cut before Florida.

Sometimes I wait for naptime on Wednesdays to run my errands for a little solitude.
These three heard my plan and wanted in on it.
So we found solitude together :) :)

We turned around at dinner in Denver and spotted these cousins at the bar hahaha.
I thought it was hilarious that the bartender hadn't kicked them off. They were watching Mr. Bean haha.

First big show!
They really loved it.
Thought Bennett asked during intermission if they were real people, so,
I think the whole concept was just kind of blowing their minds.

A fun night in the city with our cute older boys.

A free concert with Dr. Noize and noisy he was.
He had a song unknowingly go number one on a Satellite Radio kids station,
then got a call asking if he did kids shows and he said yes.
He hung up and his wife was like, "No you don't?" And he said, "Now I do!"
Haha he was very entertaining and the kids loved it.

Got this picture from our cute neighbor down the street.
They have a sign in their window that says S or NS 
(Snack or No Snack)
So the kids know when they can knock on the door and ask for a popsicle. 
They're so cute.

Dinner outside to skip the clean up.

Oh that dear new floor.
Didn't think we'd see our old floor so soon.

And some new holes in the new basement. This flood was a total pain.

These fans were so loud. We had about 5 running downstairs and upstairs from Thursday night to Monday morning.

A Friday guided nature walk.
First sighting of a rattlesnake in the wild!

I loved that this was mostly older people and my kids.
Everyone had such a nice time.

Asher wanted to kick a pinecone with me the whole.time.

This guy was fun to spot.

This ranger found and preserved a bighorn sheep skull,
and she loved telling the story. The boys thought it was so cool.

Bennett met his swim goal this summer! Date night with mom.

His goggle ears and his banana snack were just making me laugh so much.

So then he embraced it.

Michael timed Lane 1 the whole day and Westin had that lane for his first race.
"Dad, shave off 10 seconds!" Haha.

Our sweet hoarder.
This post-date night check made us both laugh,
so many little pieces of his life surrounding him. SO many :)

My rolls rose :) This was cracking Westin up.

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