Sunday, June 9, 2024

We Love Lagoon

 After a fun Sunday celebrating Annie and being with family,
we did a Lagoon day on Monday. We went two years ago when Dallin and Asher were little nursing/napping babies, and now they were riding rides with the rest of us!

Asher is as clingy as Camden used to be, so I thought we'd have a similar warm up situation to all the rides. But oh how wrong I was. Asher was a total thrill seeker! It never stopped being hilarious to me the entire day. Just up for anything he was tall enough for and laughing the whole time any ride was going. Our day in Lagoon two years ago is one of my favorite days of my life, and this one topped it :) Now we just need to get Michael there with us! He's not a ride guy but we wished he could have been there instead of taking call at home. Next time!!

I have to admit our day didn't start out as strong as it finished though... I kind of never want to forget that first ride, so here goes the memory even though it's embarrassing for multiple Daetwylers :) Last time we came, the lines were SO long because it was a holiday. We ended up skipping the newer ride, the Cannibal, just because of the wait. But you can see it well from the freeway and it just looks awesome, and Westin has talked and talked about going on that ride for two years now. So, we ran into the park and hit that ride very first. No lines. But as we're running up, Westin is caught up in his anxieties that sometimes really take him over, and started to really freak out. I channeled all my energy into helping him manage that because I KNEW he really did want to go on this ride. But as that carried us up to the front of the line, I suddenly realized Bennett was with us because during the cousin line up he was tall enough to come on too. And that had just never crossed my mind and he's never really been on a roller coaster. So suddenly I am both talking down Westin AND trying to explain to Bennett where he is and what's about to happen as he just smiled blissfully unaware at me. By that time we're strapped in the ride in the front row with Ali, and Westin is losing it. Bennett is realizing that maybe he should be losing it too. And then, fine, I have to admit that I am scared of roller coasters too until I get warmed up for the day, so I started crying some slight tears of fear. Ali looks over and sees three Daetwylers just all in their feelings and she's like, oh wow.....
And then, BAM. We're off down the upside down steep curve right out the gate and screaming/laughing/crying/screaming/laughing. We run off the ride and she's like, What on earth just happened. And I look at Westin and I can tell he's riding adrenaline and he says, "I think... I think... I think I want to go on that again!" And I stamped out any room for hesitation and just ran right back on the ride with him while Ali was still so confused about Daetwylers and what all just happened haha. But, then we were all warmed up and ready to go on anything the rest of the day with no more tears or freak outs :) Ok I did freak out on the Rocket but just kind of.

Our drive home was smooth, potty training Asher did so well. Then we came home to yet another slow spreading stomach bug. I just felt so grateful no one had any issues while we were driving or while we were with family.

After trips and stomach bugs, it felt like Friday was our first day of summer. Annnnnnd Friday felt very long. Ha! I do love summer so much, and having my boys home. But I do end the days extra exhausted, between the heat and the boys :) We won't say which is more exhausting.

We're ready for more laid back summer days ahead! I'm declaring this our Summer of Reading.
We'll see how it goes!

The firetruck ride! Asher loved it so much, laughed the whole time.

This is what happens when you ride the rapids ride THREE times in a row :)

I just was shocked the entire day to see how much Asher loved all the rides.
LOVED them.

These boats have my heart. I remember loving them when I was little.

Absolute pure joy on the swings.
The big swings were closed today so we just all rode these instead,
and I keep laughing picturing Logan and Ali and Tanya and me all just sitting in what felt like little baby chairs and laughing at each other.

Tanya and I took all the littles on the carousel a few times
while the crew rode the white wooden roller coaster.

We had such a fun day together.
Lagoon with family and short lines and cloud coverage,
take me back.

Kisses goodbye on Tuesday morning

Another Wyoming road trip stop.

Annnnd another Wyoming road trip stop.
They were excited we spotted a deer at this park.

Michael and Asher going down that slide :)

We had fun at Michael's assistant's son's birthday party.
Normally these climbing/playing/gym places are madness but this one was actually just the right size,
and the boys had a blast.

"MOM! Take a picture of me with the dragon!"

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