Sunday, June 2, 2024

School's Out! Plus a Summer Road Trip (already!)

On Memorial Day we hiked with Katie's kids and Diana and Jocelyn. Then we did the splash pad, had ice cream, and came home to barbecue burgers and hot dogs. They ended up staying another night because the boys were just having too much fun. We were sad to see them go Tuesday.

I loved Bennett's end of First Grade ceremony on Tuesday so much. His sweet teacher Mrs. Wood had such sincere, kind things to say about every student in that cute class and I just love the way she loves them. He has had such a wonderful year with her and I need her to not retire until she's had two more little Daetwyler boys. Bennett's award this year was Mr. Manners, which cracked me up because that award has come home before. These little boys can be pretty crazy at home but for whatever reason they sure shape up at school :) I love both sides of them.

Thursday was the last day of school! Which totally had me sentimental. End of third and first grade? Already? I feel like Westin was just barely in (online) kindergarten. We are coming up on four years here in Fort Collins, and when we pass that we'll have lived here longer than anywhere else in our marriage. Feels good.

We took Jimmy John's to the school on the last day for a picnic lunch (the boys had a half day) and looked through their yearbooks. My goal is to clean out their backpacks and cubbies at home before July... we'll see.

We woke up Friday and immediately started the summer right! Hopped in the car and drove to Utah for Julia's baptism. We stopped twice because #pottytraining but Asher totally rocked it.  He even hit a new... "milestone" right when we got to Ali's house and I'd like to formally thank Matthias for reading him The Poop Book on FaceTime when we were in Wyoming and trying to hit that milestone on the road.

Saturday started with the South Jordan Summer Days parade and the kids were totally loving all the candy throwing and swag handouts. Then we drove to Lehi for Julia's baptism. The last Miner kiddo baptism and that's just hard for me to believe! She is beautiful inside and out and it was a happy day. We had pizza there at the church after, swam at grandma and grandpa's hotel later that day, tacos at Ali's that night.

Sunday we went to Ali's ward and then the Miners, Dan and Tanya and Gracie, and grandma and grandpa all came over for Annie's birthday. Ali made another professional highly impressive birthday cake (I can't get over them) and Annie totally loved it. We played Herd Mentality that night and it was so funny. This is a quick trip but we're just so happy to be here with family for happy times!

Hiking the "A" overlook, Luna's first time! She did great.

Splash pad and ice cream, a solid combo around here.

Feeding 7 boys always feels like an event!

Diana walked to school with us before they headed back to Katie's house.
My neighbor said, "This must be your sister!" and she was so surprised when I told her it was Michael's. That has happened to me with multiple Daetwyler sisters and I love it.

Baby geese at playgroup!

Luna is such a good little tag along. I used to think I'd never, ever take her to playgroup and now it's no big thing.

These cute boys playing in the back of Bennett's classroom during his first grade awards ceremony.

Lemonade stand on the way home from the LAST day of school!

This guy. I love this age.

Friendship bracelets for Sister Holker's last YWs activity.
We'll miss her but we'll be cheering on her husband Dallin and his time with the Saints this NFL season!

This sweet card. Bennett loooooved Mrs. Wood this year.

Finished first grade!


Third grade, check!

This morning crew. Soooo many walks to school!

He finished last week, but had to snap a picture too!

These are heart-wrenching, honestly.

Sooo much taller in person.

This one seems so much bigger inside and out.

Last day drop off!

They're off!
The end of the school year is so fun.

Heading home to summer!

First day of summer: Utah road trip.
We've played at many a random park in Wyoming.

I Spy Westin.

Camden's face cracks me up here so much

Have to get ice cream at Little America

South Jordan Days Parade

They totally loved this candy-heavy parade experience

Stilts! I just think they're so brave!

All the Miner grandkids

Julia's special baptism day. We were so happy we were there with her!

Julia's ear piercing!

Building baby Annie's birthday present

That breakfast wait, am I right?

A spontaneous bubble-blowing contest, and yes, I am the reigning champion

Annie's birthday lunch.
I have eaten two of Ali's cakes in one month and for that I feel very blessed.

Girlfriend loved it.

Birthday crew!
Annie is loved!

She started showing off during pictures and trying to stand up!
She's allllmost mastered it.

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