Monday, August 13, 2018

Driving Habits

Everyday: work. implants. commutes in the hot truck. falls asleep on the couch reading for a class/test he has to take next weekend.
Dreams of: kayaking. retiring.

Everyday: walks two miles. waters the plants. feeds kids. works out. reads to kids. feeds kids again. cleans up from feeding kids. takes kids adventuring. feeds kids again. naps kids. maybe naps. maybe projects. feeds kids again. cleans up again. checks 10-day forecast hoping for double-digit hope. bedtime. mom time. repeat.
Dreams of: date night. cross stitching while watching a movie (how old am I?).

Everyday: wakes up too early. strollers one mile. runs one mile. waters the plants. eats. works out (this is a loose description). Legos. reads with mom. eats again. makes messes. cleans up messes. adventures. naps. eats again. Daniel Tigers. eats again. makes messes. cleans up messes. bath time. story time. bedtime.
Dreams of: preschool. swimming lessons.

Everyday: sleeps in a little (binky is back). strollers two miles. waters the plants. eats. Legos. reads with mom. eats again. makes messes. never cleans up messes. adventures. naps. eats again. Daniel Tigers. eats again. makes messes. gives so many hugs. chases Kitty. bath time. story time. bedtime.
Dreams of: dogs. cats. turtles. 

We are creatures of habit this week more than ever before. It feels like we're in a lull of residency and we need to kick that feeling! I took the boys to the car dealership this week for an airbag recall fix, and put their carseats in the shuttle to bring them home, and those are the worst mom chores. (Carseats are the worst part of motherhood!) But some friends came over to play and eat lunch with us during our stranded no-car day so it was really fun. Our routine keeps us moving through the heat but I'm so looking forward to when temperatures and smoky air doesn't keep us inside from 4pm-7pm. On Saturday we had a three-hour window free so we kayaked at Millerton Lake near our house. It wasn't our smoothest kayak experience (too quick, too many tears from Bennett, too much stress from mom because of our time crunch) but I'm still glad we got out. I'm itching for our busy fall routine to start but I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy August for what it is. These boys are more fun all the time!

Bananas for the road. We walk first thing then come home for our next breakfast courses :)

Westin runs an impressive amount on our walks. We had this Australian Shepherd for almost two weeks and he's the smartest dog we've ever watched. Bennett loved him so much.

Somebody found something...

That face when you've been caught with mom's secret Trader Joe's favorites stash.

Bennett has been attempting... break dancing? I'm not sure what exactly you'd call it, but it's entertaining.

Famous on that Kroll's Diner page from our North Dakota adventure ;)

When dad lets the 3-year-old write messages on his phone, haha. So many angry faces. Oh Westin.

Millerton Lake

These boys run straight for the water while we do all the kayak work. #childhood

Happy birthday Emma!

Bennett loves Andrew.

And Billy Jack. Bennett is just full of love.

We came home from Billy Jack's with.... a new little pet! Bennett still checks Mr. T's home almost once a day for him and it breaks my heart that he doesn't understand that he ran away. So, we've got a new little turtle lady around here! Tentatively named Marcel the Shell but I haven't cleared that with Westin yet.

I hope she likes our crazy around here.

I had to take paperwork to Westin's pediatrician and Bennett fell into a puddle in the parking lot after being dressed for like 2 minutes out in the world. Then he rolled over so both sides looked like this. And we proceeded to run all our errands anyway... one of those days.

Playing bumper cars all on his own.

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