Sunday, June 9, 2019

(Sort of) Ready for Summer

was busy this week, but he had Thursday off and took Westin to his last day of preschool. Westin loves those mini dates. He also took me on a date on Saturday night, probably our last long date before the baby comes. We usually don't stay out super long when we get babysitters but we decided to go get dinner and finally see Avengers since babies really change the 5-hour date situation. It was so fun to spend that time with him, I love him! He also took Westin to the Father's Day barbecue at our church on Saturday right when he got home from work, and then they went on a bike ride while Bennett and I took a nap. 

went out to dinner with some of the girls in Michael's program and some of his coresidents' wives, and it was really fun to catch up with them. He has sure worked with a great group of residents and faculty in his program here and we are super grateful for that. We watched three dogs this weekend and it was a little much, plus temperatures are now officially climbing, and the combination made for a really rough Friday. But we bring this upon ourselves so, I can't really complain. Though I did complain.

Finished preschool and swimming lessons and he's sad to see them be done! He passed his swimming level on his last day of lessons and I was super proud of his hard work. He chose an Icee instead of a prize with the token they gave him for passing, so we had Icees for dinner in our driveway that night because we were too hot to eat anything else. He was so cute in his preschool performance, and his award for the year was "Mr. Manners". He liked going to a baptism on Saturday and REALLY liked that they had watermelon after. My favorite thing right now is that I hear Westin go put on his shoes and go to our backyard the second he wakes up in the morning, then he picks every raspberry that is even slightly red, then comes and shares them with me. We eat raspberries and read books until Bennett wakes up and I love mornings with him. Though a few of those started at 5:30 this week so, I mean, there's room for improvement.

is as animated as ever and makes us laugh so much. He's picking up some two-year-old attitude for sure but gives plenty of kisses and hugs to balance it out. He is so perceptive and such a lover. He found me crying this week and wiped a tear off my cheek, pulled my hand over to my bed, patted it, and wanted me to lay down. Bennett knew that pregnancy and dogs and high temps were too much that day :) Such a sweetheart. He handles himself so well around animals and Michael and I are both so amused and impressed by it. He was super happy that we celebrated National Donut Day with friends at the park -- he's all about that pink frosting and sprinkles, but doesn't waste any of the donut even after eating it from the top down. He loves Giraffes Can't Dance right now and loves to sit with me in the rocking chair to read it, even though between the two of us and my belly, it's getting pretty tight. He's so much fun.

We saw Mr. T trying his hardest to reach a raspberry and I thought it was so cute.
We picked him an even more red one and he was pretty happy to have the help.

In the meantime, this is Kitty's favorite spot right now.

Westin and his sweet teacher, Mrs. Stahl. He's going to miss life at the Campus Preschool!

Westin and some of his cute friends at preschool. He specifically asked me if he could wear a bowtie that day.
I didn't think we owned one but we found this one in his tie stash and he was pretty pleased.

Icees for dinner.

Westin took a break to go look at his tongue in the mirror about 20 times while eating it.

Preschool Performance! Such cuties.

We turned Bennett's carseat around a couple weeks ago since he kept getting out of his straps to look around his shoulder.
He has been loving it, and I love that rearview mirror view!

I love this scene -- a fresh supply of strawberry jam into our freezer,
and a box of Costco peaches ready to be added to my homemade yogurt and Trader Joe's chocolate granola.
Best fruit season!

I feel soooo accomplished after cutting the boys' hair and getting them bathed and ready for bed.

Day off Wild Kratts!

Three minutes into Day Off Wild Kratts.

Last day of preschool!

He was proud of his green tower at gym time that day.

Growing boy.

National Donut Day. 

Westin and Bennett love Shea and Colt so much.

This was our last day of Sunbeam preschool, which we've done on Fridays for about two years now.
We'll miss seeing these friends every Friday!

Two of our three visitors... luckily the other one was Rosie.

Dinner helpers. Westin is way less whiny about mushrooms in a meal if he cuts them up himself.
I tell him the tinier he makes them the less he'll taste them and he's all about that.

Poor cutie boy was on the receiving end of too much love from a golden retriever puppy.
He was super super sad.

This meme just really captured my children to me.

Things we love about each other!
Westin loves that Daddy helps people at the hospital and earns money for us to have a house,
so that's what his picture is showing.

Westin said this is a picture of me making Mac and Cheese and that it's really yummy
and he's grateful for it. They're always more grateful for the mac and cheese than any meal
that required more effort... :)

Westin drew a picture of Bennett being a monster and said he loves
when his brother chases him. Oh sweet Bennett, he always has to be the monster on the playground.

Bennett loves when Westin plays with him!
At least I think that's what this picture is. Pretty sure. :)

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