Sunday, June 30, 2019

Woolfs and Walkers, and onto Fourth Year!

The best part of our week was visits from people we LOVE!
The other best part was finishing Michael's trauma rotation!
And the other best part was his last day of his THIRD year. One more to go!
Ok, lots of best parts.

has had a long four months and is now heading back to oral surgery service for the last full year of residency. He will be spending 4 months with each of his 3 attendings, and then he's done! He's always working so hard for his family, and playing hard with them too.

LOVED spending time with Becca and her boys -- I've been looking forward to their visit for so long. Being her neighbor through school in Indianapolis was nothing short of one of the biggest blessings I've ever had. I'm so grateful for her friendship! We get through residency together states apart, and spending a couple days together just felt so fun. Also, there were so many boys. Between both our husbands actually being around, plus her three boys and my two-almost-three, we just kept realizing that we really are surrounded. And it's the best. After they left I was so happy that we went straight into cousin time for the weekend with the Walker fam! They hung out with us on Saturday and Sunday on their way to some Yosemite and Big Sur time.

Had so much fun playing with Jaxson and Ty. He loves having friends around and they were so content at Shaver Lake on Thursday. He also said the sweetest prayer on Sunday night after spending two days playing with cousins: "Thank you that it could be a cousin day. Thank you for all the fun we had." Cousin days really are a blessing. I wish we lived closer to family, but I LOVE seeing that my boys connect so quickly with cousins whenever we can manage crossing paths.

had a speech evaluation and it was adorable. He understands and knows so much, and communicates it all in his own language. I feel like the more I slow down physically through this pregnancy, the more books we're reading, and the better Bennett's speech is getting. We are usually always going to story time or play groups or this or that, which is great, but I really just need to read to my boys as much as my voice can! He also LOVED being with Jax, Ty, and Luke, and LOVED seeing his cousins this weekend. He no longer even says goodbye to me when he goes to nursery, basically just takes off after sacrament and heads to where the party is. Such a change from a few months ago. He has also started telling me he needs to go potty rather than me just taking him with reminders often enough to avoid accidents, and that has made him seem so big to me! 

Working on his reading book writing while I'm finishing up my cross stitch orders before baby.

I love Westin's lego creations.

He was frustrated that he couldn't make a jet that he liked,
so I told him maybe looking at one of his books would help.
Then this is what he came up with. I love seeing his imagination! 
Kitty and I have somewhat disturbed naps these days, but we'll take them over no nap.

Bennett found a box.

Wild Kratts is still the favorite show around here.

All our boys at Shaver Lake!

Bennett was born to wear glasses. 

We LOVE this family!

Sometimes this is how Bennett comes and tells me he's done going potty.

Fish Hatchery with the Walkers before church

Walker cousins! So fun to meet baby Charlotte!

36.5 weeks!
It was SO fun spending this week with friends and family,
and it feels good to also have all big plans behind us and just baby ahead.
Time to get the final things cleaned and prepped,
then baby time!

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