Sunday, September 20, 2020

Here we go, 32!

 We started the week off with mom's birthday! A Monday mom-life birthday is what it is, BUT, these cuties were fun to spend it with. We did a library trip, Goodwill trip, paint store trip, and grocery pick up. Michael brought home dinner and some Trader Joe's treats, and for my birthday he's going to help me put up shiplap and board and batten soon :) But he's not allowed to touch my saw. 

We skipped a lot more school this week and just spent more time outside and reading books. We also went to the school for lunch most days, which the boys love. They get to eat outside and see friends at the playground, and I get to chat with a couple friends from the ward. We stay apart and wear masks, but then the kids play on the playground together and I just wonder if that's ok. But my kids need it so much. Life is still so far from normal. I also went to book club this week, and met a group of girls from my ward to go walking on Saturday morning out by the reservoir. Michael has been working super hard in the yard and is gearing up for changing our entire side yard by the street into mulch/flowers/rocks instead of weedy dying grass. We found out (from a helpful question-answerer at the plant nursery here) that the aspens in our backyard are past the point of no return and I'm SOO SAD. They're right by our porch, they're my favorite type of tree, our twinkle lights are connected to them, and I stare at them and think of how much I love them all the time. But they are dying :( :( :(

Westin and Bennett play such funny games together. They like to pretend they run a zoo or a pet store or a restaurant downstairs, or find acorns for squirrels, or go on a date (with one parent, that's what makes it a date haha) to Sprouts. On Saturday we did a 7-mile bike ride along the Spring Creek Trail and it was gorgeous. Westin did such a good job riding that long. Then we had some friends of friends over for dinner and it was so fun to meet the Dimonds. Our kids loved playing with their sweet older kids, and when I put Bennett to bed that night he said "I just miss those guys."

We got the news this week that they're moving up the start of school and we're SO excited! Just two more weeks of online learning. Then Bennett is back to full time preschool and Westin will be part time online and part time in person. We love Fort Collins so much.

Skipped (online) school. Went to the library instead.
I'm grateful that sending pictures of things like this to their teachers counts for attendance.
Where else would we go on my birthday but....
the paint store! But this time we bought some accent wall colors instead of more white,

Even all the way from Texas, Emily is the sweetest friend.
Another page of his letter book for school.

Bennett loves to color while brother does school.
I feel this. Life is so busy right now.

An updated side by side of our progress!
Bennett falls out of bed a lot and he's so cute.
I sent this to Ali and she thought it was Westin, because I gave Westin's clothes to Bennett and got Westin the next size up. They are so close to each other's size and both are so big :(

So enthralled with the Halloween decorations their mom will never buy.
Edging the stairwell felt like a big accomplishment this week!

The boys are having fun playing with their remote control car on our deck lately.
Our walk is always the moment of the day when I think,
"Life is so good."

Adding some of her influence to the bones of our house.
I took out this window this week to paint the inside panes black. 
I think it made a big difference!

Piano room windows are done, edging is done...
this week is the fun part!

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