Sunday, May 2, 2021

Cute Dogs & Boring Grown Up Stuff

 This week we found a cute Golden Retriever to visit us because we still miss Rosie girl back in Fresno. Duke was here for about a week and was such a good dog. Boys were in heaven! Then we had another cute puppy right after him, and also checked on our neighbor's cute dog that weekend, so the boys had fun having lots of dogs in their life. Ironically it makes them want a dog more though rather then giving them their fix! We're alllllllmost ready for a Golden around here.

We had some insulation issues fixed throughout our house this week too, which meant that Camden and I had to make ourselves scarce while the boys were at school. It was also rainy, and Covid still complicates the world, so... we just bounced around and had a pretty random day! Then we got the all clear to come back home around 2 and he still took a short nap that day, so he did ok.

Now our fireplace is all torn up and ready to actually work and not let cold air stream into our house. It'll be a cooler summer and cozier winter from here on out! After all the work was done they did a test that showed our house was 33% more efficient now so that's going to make a difference.

Work is going well for Michael, the boys love school and are both sad that it's ending this month, and Camden cracks us up all the time. I'm trying to stay on top of things around here but it is feeling like I'm just outnumbered and falling a little more behind each day rather than catching up. But we're looking forward to nicer weather and being outside more!!

Sweet Duke. Sweet Bennett.

Not the most positive post but this cracked me up.
I was totally motivated by those personal pan pizzas.

He was freaked out by the efficiency test.

Camden loves big brother hugs these days.

I'm sending books out about three times a week and it always makes me happy.

Wood scrap obstacle course

Cleaned the church,
and they were the only kids there so they had fun eating all the muffins we brought!

Mornings and Bedtimes are struggle.
Hoping Ralphie can help us out.

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