Sunday, August 29, 2021

Apples and Paddle Boards

This was another full week of school for Westin. Direct quotes from him:

"Ok, I think I like First Grade even BETTER than Kindergarten now!"
"I just love school -- some people go early and eat breakfast there. We should do that."
"At Bubble Up I said I love to play with my friends at school. I said that yesterday too. But it's just true every day!"
"I know what STEM means. But do YOU?!"
"I gotta wear my best shoes on PE day. I gotta be so fast."

And Bennett had his first days this week too! Monday and Wednesday, so that half the class could go at a time this week while they get used to things. This week he'll be into his regular Monday-Thursday schedule. He seems like a big kid when we go drop him of now since he's one of the older preschool kiddos this year. The first day another little boy came up and gave him the biggest hug and said, "Bennett, I missed you!" It was the sweetest thing. Bennett and I do some workbook and alphabet and speech stuff together every day but I love that he's heading to preschool to learn how to be a friend and feel big without us around. He's growing so much.

Camden had no accidents this week until a couple hours before writing this.... darn it! But really he's doing so great. He's an opinionated little soul who needs to relearn how to sleep through the night. But one night this week I was going through my old pictures on my computer to organize them, and Michael sat by me and we just laughed at cute tiny Westin and Bennett for a while. They are already so much older. Camden will be like that before I know it.

All our apple adventures have me so ready for fall. This is my favorite season change by far every year, and on all our 90-degree walks home from school in the afternoon, my pregnant self is just really looking forward to September and October.

We had so much fun catching up with the Bunkers when they passed through here on their way home from taking Trinity to BYU. I can't believe my Indiana activity day girls are heading to college. I'm so excited for them. 

Sweetest sleeping boy.
I always feel guilty when I get him up to go get Westin from school.
We're trying for earlier naps so that he'll still get a full one in,
but if it's too early he's not tired enough, so it's tricky.

Wednesday pool trip with dad while Mom got a bunch of shots at the doctor

Rupert came for two visits this week,
and Bennett played alllll day with that dog.

I love how much they color and create in this dining room that we never eat in,
because of all the colorings and creations that are constantly all over :)

Westin has been eyeing the last four gallons of milk so that he could save the lids for the wheels of this mail truck.

He saw it in Highlights and he's been determined to make one ever since.

I had a gallon of milk lead from our other fridge all through our kitchen....
Rupert licked up every drop.
Sometimes I feel like I really need a dog on my side around here.
Don't mind the potty that lives in our kitchen right now either.
I mopped all our floors Monday and rather than feeling good about myself I mostly just thought, "What was the point..." :)

Quick Saturday lake trip for some paddle boarding in the morning.
All three boys love it.

So content.

He was so proud of this claw he found.

I had about 20 pictures and videos that looked just like this after Camden reportedly played with my phone while I was out on the paddle board with Westin.

We are drowning in apples!
So many from our tree. We busted out our corer/peeler for a round of applesauce and Westin was loving it.

Bennett asked me to zip up his jacket and I couldn't stop giggling at his sunglasses.
He was ready for outside.

I made some biscuits to go with our applesauce and tried cutting them rather than drop biscuits for the first time.
But you can't tell because they very much turned out about as pretty as drop biscuits :)
We'll see if next time improves at all.


I heard a sad squeak outside and sent Michael out to rescue a baby bunny from Kitty's chasing.
He sent her inside and the bunny took a little rest on the deck and hopped away. 
She's such a stinker. Who could mess with such a cute little thing??

Ami! So good for my soul to see her.
We pulled in from paddle boarding at the same time they pulled up,
and it was so fun to eat lunch with them and catch up.

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