Sunday, September 5, 2021

Into September with Grandma & Grandpa!

has cut up hundreds of apples in the last few weeks. He's been on call this last week but it's been slow. I have almost said that to him out loud many times but stopped myself every time, because we both know better than to talk like that. Nothing makes the phone start ringing then talking about how it's not, something about Call Karma. He took me to Thai food and a slightly ridiculous movie on Saturday and it was so fun to be on a date with him. That was our first time being in a movie theater since before Covid. Probably our last time until this new baby is done nursing, too -- I'm 30 weeks today and couches are sounding much better than theater seats. Michael does so many things so well. I'm grateful for the way he works hard learning about the best things to do with the money he works really hard for. Such a hard-working guy who also knows how to have fun with his family and I love him for all of it.

I've been counting days down to when my parents arrive! I love when they visit so much. Having family around makes me, and these endless-energy boys, so happy. They watched the boys for our date Saturday night and I was grateful for all the attention they give their grandkids. I am feeling soo pregnant and have some new pelvic/hip/leg pain that is no longer going away at all, it's just kind of bad or really bad. I just hope with all my heart that these things that are new to this pregnancy are not around after this pregnancy. I know there's a beauty in soaking up stages and what our bodies are capable of, but I'm just aching (literally) to feel able-bodied again, honestly. I've got cute boys to keep up with. Days with Camden are a little weird for me -- he does much better with his brothers around and honestly so do I. He is more time consuming when it's the two of us then when it's the four of us, but I love that my boys are at a great school and happy there.

I'm learning that Westin doesn't tell me his good things as much as I thought he did. I had another mom at school tell me a nice thing he did for her daughter that he never brought up to me, and then his primary teacher told me a brave thing he did at church that he never told me about. I love that he's out there doing good, and I love that he's doing it quietly because it speaks volumes about him, but I also just still get stopped in my tracks when I think of him just growing up and expanding his sphere of influence and experience while I still see him as my little guy so much of the time. He helps me sooooo much. So much. I love him.

Is getting bigger in so many ways -- just the way he's thinking and things he's asking. He's also wanting to wipe his own bum now (way too much information for the internet, mom, come one), which feels like a big step to independence. Potty training truly only gets you so far, there are lots of other steps to take from there. He's also braver at swimming, working so hard at speech with me and at school, and he seems so big when I drop him off at preschool. He's very regularly sleeping on the floor when I go in their room to open a window on nights it's cool enough. I help him back onto his bed and he never fully wakes up but will often just whisper "You're the best, mama." This kid has been melting my heart since Michael held him up and showed him to me while I was on an operating table.

Killing it in the potty training department and walking around with such swagger. He refuses to be left behind now when the boys go play at the neighbor's house. Luckily our 9-year-old friend over there loves to be his little mom when he tags along and he's in good hands. When he's reached his away limit he usually drags her back to our house with him and she's so sweet to keep on playing with him. He loves walking the boys to school but refuses the stroller, but if I don't bring it he whines to be held. So I push an empty stroller to and from the school three times a day and he usually climbs in it for about 8 seconds. He's got opinions and he still needs a thousand hugs at bedtimes. He's the brightest and darkest part of our parenting right now haha, and we love him so much. Two year olds are such a ride.

Westin helps him with socks, shoes, helps him with his pants when Camden says he has to go potty, takes a million trips up and down the stairs for me, and just is seriously the sweetest big brother. We all love our Westy boy so much.

"Daddy huggy!"
Always at night and in the morning, lots of calls for daddy.

When I tell them we need to leave for school in 2 minutes,
they hear, "we've got time to wrestle daddy for 2 minutes!"

Ali has become a professional cake maker!
This is a cherry pie chocolate cake for my dad's birthday,
and she was so sweet to send some to Colorado with my parents.
Soooo delicious.

Found Bennett in a box just contemplating life.

Seriously, her cake was so good.

Can you tell Westin was excited to eat this?

Bedtime stories are only wanted from grandpa when he's here.

The CSU trial gardens are gorgeous right now!

Impossible to pick a favorite.

My mom helped me wrap Christmas presents and cut up pads for my stairs before I install a runner.
So grateful for her help.

Rug comes next!

This cutie was sooo clingy Sunday morning after our Saturday night date.
Kept his daddy close for the whole morning before church.

But at church, these boys were all fighting for Grandpa's lap.
Easiest sacrament meeting I've had in a long time :)

So sweet.

Naan and curry, coming up!
Missionaries and grandparents for a "big table dinner" as the boys call it.
That table is always coloring and creating central so it feels fun when we finally
eat on it once in a while :)
They color and create way more than they eat, so it gets used all day every day.

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