Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Second Week of Sick

 After all the sickness while Ali and her kiddos were here, we were hoping for a better week -- but a stomach bug kept messing with us. Westin was better and went back to school Monday, but Wednesday they called me and said he threw up at school. Poor kid. And he was sick a few times after that at home all through Thursday. Bennett stayed home too but I think he was having mainly sympathy pains.. :) And I caught the stomach bug on Thursday. Luckily Asher and Michael and Camden didn't get it, though Asher did get a cold.

So after two weeks of sick around here, which is the most sickness we've ever had run through our family all at once, we are ready to get outside and see better days. Camden is the only one who made it out of these two weeks staying healthy, so, I guess there's a magic behind toddler hygiene habits. Shocking.

We took a day trip on Saturday to see Katie's family and Grandma and Grandpa and met them for a hike. The boys were great hikers and walked the whole way while Asher was happy in the Moby. He sure loves that thing.

I taught Gospel Doctrine this week and my favorite takeaway from the focus was when Moses asked God to show him His glory, and God told Moses He would show him His goodness. So often we look for God's glory and miss the goodness, but the goodness is constantly around us. Tender mercies are more than we even know, I think.

Westin loves playing games. Bennett loves his Lite Brite. Camden loves cars. Asher loves his mama. Michael loved not being on call this weekend and loved starting his garden. On Thursday I had a final interview and found out on Friday that I'll be starting a new part time job that I'm really excited about -- I've never ever felt more busy, so I decided to just add a job to the mix. That way I feel like I won't lose myself in this stage so much. It makes sense in my head, though I know the execution will feel a little tricky :)

It's hard to believe it's May! School ends this month, which is just wild to me. We sure love eating outside more and spending more time in the backyard right now.

Took a visit to my favorite restaurant this week.

I mostly come because I'm obsessed with the owner.

Sweet, sweet Asher.

When everyone was sick, Camden decided to take his lunch upon himself.
The plate was a nice touch but I still didn't let the gummy bear plans go through.
But honestly, I replaced them with cereal for everyone for lunch so, not much better.

No more swaddle for this boy!
He graduated to his "squirrel suit" and I can't believe he's hitting 6 months this week.
His sleeping went downhill a little this week without being swaddled, it's one of my least favorite transitions for sure. But he'll get back in a groove soon hopefully.

I sold my chairs this week. 
I wanted to believe cloth chairs would be fine with kids,
and honestly they clean up so well and I liked them,
but I was just so sick of telling Westin not to touch them with dirty hands every.single.meal.
So off they went and our new wood chairs won't get here until late September :) 
Back to our folding chairs and the stress free life they give me kind of outweigh their downside, so, I'm good with it.

These next pics: My books in Tanzania!
We had an organization take our books to an orphanage and a school in Tanzania,
and a translator told them the story as well as translated a friend's testimony of Christ when she passed out the books. The picture of these kids looking at the illustration with kids that look just like them next to the Savior really just melts my heart. Kindal and I dreamed of spreading the book like this way way before it was ever finished, so these pictures just mean the world to us.

First night out bowling as a full family,
I'll just be straight with you and admit that I got last place.
Those bumpers and that ramp really up the numbers for the boys, haha.

Michael still finds fun mystery shops for us.
We would never just go bowling and play in an arcade and laser tag and get pizza for a Friday night... there are other ways I'd rather spend my money and calories, BUT, the boys think it's the best and the mystery shop takes away a little of the sting :)

Shooting dinosaurs. Of course.

Waterton Canyon with family!

Grandma shared her hat with Asher since I forgot his,
so sweet of her. He looked so adorable in it.

Camden asleep within minutes of driving away, the sweetheart.
He walked and walked and walked, loves feeling so big these days.

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